Chapter Eight

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"Dad? Are you there? Hello?" His voice continued to talk, ignoring the fact no one answered. He didn't care about anything other than the phone call he suddenly received. He wanted someone at that time, to hold him and say his father was perfectly safe and okay. But the call surely wasn't a good sign. It was filled with danger, and cautions. It was completely scary, something that made him to shiver and fall on the ground. Although he doesn't see the scene on the other side of the call, he could have these imaginations, about how his father would defend the trouble. Or how his father would be trapped under the shadows of danger.

"What did you mean earlier?" Harry asked as Deanne sat beside him on the sofa after the small encounter with the girl before. He wasn't so mad at Deanne when she told that lie as he knew he had the sparks with her. He thought she had for him too. He could only smile from the fact he wouldn't be alone anymore and instead be with someone who could accompany him. And someone who would be able to finally accept him.

"What i said isnt something you should take so seriously" she said with no emotion hidden behind, and her hand reaching out for the remote on the coffee table. Harry frowned and tried to sink in the words that left her mouth, unusre how to react.

"I meant it was nothing" she said once more and Harry could feel that disappointment inside, the dull spark soon fading. He lost his frown and his lips curled down, gulping hard to avoid the tears.

"T-then why?" He didn't face her because he knows that if he do, she would feel pity and tell more words that I'd like needles to his heart.

"I wanted to make her inspired. She said she hoped to find a love like ours although we don't have any"-she chuckled-"so I had to keep the act" she shrugged and flicked from one channel to another not taking a single hint of what Harry felt.

"Oh" he mumble and could feel the indirect rejection from her. He lost the thought of someone being there for him. He lost the happiness or spark of being complete. His body felt low, drained and just shut down from those words. Of course she wouldn't have feelings for a boy like him.

What else did he expect? What else did he wanted from her?


He thought and that made him sick from the head to toe. He wanted to spit blood at his life, at himself. He wanted to leave alone with no clothes but the one he is wearing and fall off a cliff. He felt useless in living that there's no purpose in staying on the world. He felt like the water under the bridge, where people just walk over, throwing trash in it. He felt like the puddle after the rain which life steps on. He felt unwanted, and useless.

"so you said you'd tell me what happened" Deanne finally spoke up after leaving the televison alone and facing Harry who was snapped away from his deep thought.

"What? Oh. Right. Um sorry Deanne but I just remembered that I made plans to talk to the...uh, Josh. My coworker at the bookshop. He wanted to have a talk" he said wanting to leave this place which made him sick.

"If you say so, then next time i guess" she smiles which made Harry to immediately face away feeling the burn on his skin. He still like her, he like having to be beside her. He like everything related to her. He wanted to say he...he love her. But he couldn't. Because it was a strong feeling and he didn't want to be thrown into the friend zone club.

"Thank you Deanne" he said wondering why he couldn't give her a smile that had feelings behind it

Why cant I smile at her?

He thought about it. Harry was never this unsure but then he knew.

She is just another girl who I have small feelings


He doesn't know where the direction he is walking will head him to, but his feet couldn't stop walking. He wanted to step away all the worries, throw out the stupid negativities. The thoughts that made him want to cry, and stab himself. It made him unsure of everything and everywhere. His heart was beating still, his lungs  are still pumping for air and his soul is still inside of him. He wanted to find out why they were still moving, why is he still there.

He stopped when he saw the same girl he and Deanne interacted earlier, but this time crying. She was shaking with her back slowly facing him. The sight was somehow very familiar. It was clearly something very similar.

He walks closer, more nearer beside the girl. He held in his breathe, deep and slow with his hands squeezing in and out. He felt his heart beating loud and clear with it being quicker than before. He wasn't sure what to do once he approaches her but it's what he would do.

"Hey" he spoke up oblivious to the fact his vpoce cracked. He bit his knuckle and she stopped crying but her shaking didn't. Her hair was covering her face from the sides, the ponytail she had on earlier was now pulled out loose. She was holding ashes on her hands, small particles falling down like sand but she held it all in safely.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Do i look like I am?!" She shouts standing up.

"This! This!"  she pulls her hands out her shaky hands, showing Harry the ashes. He frowned at it, but still did what he thought he would do.

He pulled her to his arms, with her hands packed in his chest. Her forehead rested on his shoulder, eyes streaming more tears. He pressed her to him tight, patting her back so gentle and with small hush coming out. His voice so soothing, and small it made her calm down slightlyHe buried his face into her hair, smelling in her sweet scent.

He still didn't know what made her cry so hysterically, but he knows for sure that she needed this. She needed this comfort of loss, or gone. He felt broken too and so is she.

And they stayed like that, knowing it isn't at all okay.



Yay another update. Lol. For some people they don't give a damn for this lame story but to me its my life. I really love writing stories that just suddenly pops in my head but sometimes these ass stories gets so much i had to save em in my memo.

plus i lost my watch today :(

I mean i love that watch so much and now its lost. i told my mom about it and all she said was"why do you forget so easily" i mean yeah sorry i forget but damn lady you dont need to laugh at my face. And poker face is on the radio and yes im in the car rn. i wrote this while the car is shaking and all.and i cried after i remembered i forgot my watch at the mosque. :( i cry alot and easily.

james bay is bae and is on the radio dyinggggg ugh i wanna meet him so it bad to be obsessed by the way he says 'Funny'???

im so weird.i even obsess over nialls teeth.

and i wrote a poem about niall but idk if i should show it or reveal.i showed it to my internet bestie (she reads this story and so I'm saying hi) hi Ayra!!

lln.Ayra I love you so much okayy.


literally tho, Malaysian radios rarely opens one direction songs and when they opened it I was so happy.

and I asked my parents to buy the same exact watch.same brand,and style.cuz i love that watch so much.

Okay love you all.


P.S Harry and ariana is so cute in this chapter don't deny it. and tbh, u can imagine Aronica anyway you want but u hariana shippers (including meh) can think it's ariana.thx

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