Chapter Thirty Nine

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They sat on the balcony, the sun slowly setting and the wind cold and warm at the same time. They soak in it all, wanting nothing else but to escape this world more than ever.

"Were you and Gemma very close?" She asks, her eyes shut as she lays her head on his chest, her body situated in between his legs. They're connected into a single line, their smiles and contentment becoming obvious as the wind.

"We were closer than anything else" he sighs, his arms tightening around her waist. "She made sure to keep me happy, making her love feel big enough for three. I appreciated that so much, I loved her more than all the things she's done for me. I loved her for being there for me and standing up for whatever made me cry.

And if it wasn't for her, I would've stayed in the orphanage for five extra months" she squeezes his hands and presses them closer to her stomach, liking the fact that she wasn't jealous at all. She was happy that he left the house with nice memories that could make him feel slightly complete.

"What happened to the one who adopted you? I don't think I've ever asked you about that."

"Oh. That?" He's unsure if he should tell her. It was another hard time, considering that he was just simply being used, as Deanne said. There was nothing special about him at all, just for the fact that he was the same age of the son he had lost.

"You don't have to tell me, you know" she says.

"No, I want you to know everything there is to know about me" he smiles. "No more hiding away"

"Sounds good"

"Well, at first I thought he picked me for some nice reasons. Maybe he thought that I'm special or something, I wasn't sure. But then few years later, I realized that he only did that out of the pain in his chest. He lost his wife at such a young age. He lost his son at around eight years old from some sickness. He was in too much pain so he did what he thought would've helped.

He adopted me, who was at the time the same age as his son when he died. I was ecstatic, so glad I could leave the orphanage. The kids were nice but they weren't enough. I didn't try to make a lot of friends even" he laughs, knowing how anti social he was. "Then he suddenly had debts coming from left and right. He got too stressed. He brought it random women and tell them he didn't have any child"

He sighs. "I never existed anymore. Nothing would've made him acknowledge me anymore. He still holds the frames of his wife and son when he goes to sleep, he sometimes call me 'Damon' when he comes home drunk. I was young and thought that it was my new middle name that I didn't know about" he chuckles.

"Turns out I was just a temporary bandage for him" he quietly says, wishing the last few years didn't end up the way it did. "He left with nothing but debts that I soon used up all of my savings to pay back. Even my college savings. Everything till I was left with nothing at all. No school, no place to live in"

She turns around completely and wraps her legs to engulf his torso, her hands going to the back of his head. She stares at him deeply, wondering how someone could do such a thing. Maybe that's why it's never right to make decisions when you're at a very vulnerable state. Never to give in to something that is not properly thought of.

She strokes his cheeks, smiling sadly. He doesn't break their gaze and continues to live in the moment without letting the past to get to his present.

"You're very, very beautiful" he whispers. She laughs lightly.

"You are too" she nods. "And your heart. Your soul. Your existence. I'm not even guilty to how cheesy I sounded because it's the truth"

He doesn't know what to say. Her voice made it a thousand times better and he doesn't want his to ruin the moment. It was like anything he'd say would make this much worse.

"I'm so happy you didn't lose yourself through all that" she means it. She may not know how he was before but there's something in him that never changed. She could feel it, she knows it whenever his green eyes speak so many words.

"You're the second person to tell me that"

"Because it's true" she smiles wide before leaning down to connect their lips together, allowing his soft ones to melt into her's as the sky turns orange and the wind gives mercy. They hold each other closer as it didn't feel enough, her fingers gently digging it's way in his thick hair, his hand pressed flat on her waist.

It wasn't long before they pull away, breathing into each other's breath like the air around them wasn't going to make them survive. Eyes search for another and their lips were still touching a little, feeling so light like feathers.

"I love kissing you, I can't believe this is just our second" he shakes his head, resting his forehead on her shoulder.

"Not my fault you were too much of a coward to do it" she grins.

"I was just worried you didn't feel the same way" he defended. Then a thought clicked in his head.

"Didn't you said you went to your parents house?" he reminded. She hesitantly nodded.

"You're not mad that I went without you, are you?" She frowns.

"No, not at all. I think it's better, you know,  since you need to feel connected and I might be a hindrance to that" she liked how he understood what was best for her, never letting selfishness in the way. She muttered a small 'yeah'.

"Back to my topic. How was the house? Too big? Too tiny? Just perfect for a supposed family of three?"

She laughs, nodding. "Just perfect would be the words"

"Did you like it?"

"I loved it a lot. They probably used up about 200 dollars for only frames" she remembers the pictures, the happiness, the delight, the love that radiated from their smiles.

"That much?" He chuckled.

"Yes. And they had a nursery as well. For me"

"I can tell"

"They didn't choose a specific colour, though. Mostly between green and brown because it was nature inspired. I'm thinking they either hired a painter to do that, or my mom or dad is just good in it" she presses her lips into a thin line.

"Hm, that's different" he looks up at her.

"I thought the same too," she nods. "And they wrote on my crib. Like small notes. It made me cry a lot. Like literal"

"You cried?"

"I did. So much" she gives him a smile to assure him that she's alright now, that it was something that made her feel better and was what she needed all along. He seemed to get it.

"Oh, you emotional girl" he smiles before pressing his lips on hers briefly, pulling away and letting her go slowly.

"Gemma might be home any time now, I'll see you tomorrow" he says, setting her down.

"I'm glad you came. I wouldn't have had the guts to go talk to you" she pushes his hair back, letting it stay neat even though the messy one was a better lromance.

He hugs her tightly, sighing before letting her go. He turns around towards the glass doors when she calls his name.

"Harry...what you said earlier. I think...I think I might love you too"

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Ah, I love romance.

And someone give me an award for being the best author (I updated three days straight)

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