Chapter Seventeen

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The sweat dripping on his forehead was intense, till the time people can notice he was suffocating. The basement wasn't doing any help, the thin blanket was even more worse. The closed windows are too shut for him to have less air.

"Come back piece of shit! You don't deserve to just stay there. Follow me. Trail after your father like the idiot puppy you are. Suffer. Don't live"

His father stared deep, eyes twitching from the bright sun, hands balled up tightly. There were two large dices beside them two, waiting to be rolled up. The wind blowing their breaths, with Harry shaking his head for the offer his dad had given. It has always been this way.

"Be like me Harry. Free, and dead. Far from the shitty life. You don't like it do you? Living. Its too hard for a lowlife to even think! You were useless to me Harry. You were nothing like Damon. You didn't like stripes and vans. You didn't enjoy with kites. You don't smile the way he does. And your presence didn't feel right" he snapped.

"You don't mean that" Harry cried. He knew it was just a lie. He knew his father wasn't dead. He knew, his father was well and fine. Completely happy with his new adopted kids. But he left Harry with no hesitant. Just because he didn't have the fucking money.

"Oh yeah? You can make a simple choice. Go jump off a cliff and join me. Be that son you always tried to be"

"Thats not fair. No. Dad I'm not going to"

"Then suffer. I give you my full pleasure to be left alone in that fucking basement with no proper place to sleep. Be worse than those rats you take care of"

Suddenly he felt his clothes tear off, knives tearing away from the ground and sand flying up towards him. Words were thrown to him, and he couldn't care about anything else about his father's offer.

Die with him

"Daaad!" He screamed out loud, throat dry and sore. His tears were flowing continuously and it was like he had sweats dripping down. Nothing else mattered bu-

"Harry wake up! Fuck!" Her voice was clouding over the dream, making him open his eyes suddenly, squinting from the sudden bright phone flashlight.

"I'm awake I'm awake. Just switch that off" he grunted. The girl did as he said so, sighing from relief. She sit back aside from him and he realized that the place wasnt how he had left. The windows were widely opened and the night air was blowing inside, his blanket now resting below his feet so his legs wouldn't be touching the dirty ground. His shoes were off, making him feel much free and cold. And there was a towel next to him.

"Oh I used it to wipe your sweat. I hope you don't mind any of these" she smiled.

"Natalie right? Mr. Skeem's niece. I remember you" he reminded.

"Well yeah, I'm really easy to remember. See the large birthmark on my neck and there you go. Natalie Skeem. The girl who helps with the sales" she chuckled. One thing Harry enjoyed time with her was that she was really chatty. Her smiles was never faded and pink cheeks were aways rosy. Her hair had no hairstyle other than the braided bun. She liked life obviously, and he loved that about her.

"How did you get inside?" He slowly sat properly since his previous position was giving him a cramp.

"The door wasn't lock" she shrugged.


"And on my way home I heard shouting and screaming for help. Thought I wanted to help. Didn't want to leave them suffering for a whole night"

"I'm sorry. You must've been creeped out. Just a really bad dream" he knew that it was worse than all the dreams he has faced, more scarier and realistic than any of them. The strength of the pain was very unstable and he couldn't withstand it. The lost of his father was another hard time to face as it was the second time. He thought he was loved. That he was finally known. That he was finally accepted.

Found Me [Harry AU // COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن