Chapter Seven

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Her hair didn't flow this time, as her head slowly and silently pop out of the window of her bedroom. She could only frown at the fact there is no wind to make her feel fresher, and more colder. She wanted the rush of air, the nice smell of trees and perfumes flowing and lingering around her. She needed the smile that she deep down craved, and by that, she needed the wind.

It was always her thing, listening to the city, and feeling the air of morning. Everything about the outside is adored by her mind, her soul, and her calm heart. She always wondered if there was anything or anyone that could replace her relaxed feelings towards nature. She loved them all, and she somehow knew something would eventually replace it. Not soon enough anyways.

Her hand hung low, scared she might bang her skull on the window pane that slides down, as she held it up. She slowly moved out and quickly stood up before feeling a huge pain of stabbed hammer on her head, leaving a vibration of tngles and dizziness in her mind.

"Ow fuck you" she mutters, surprised she swore. She rarely did, as her mind was set on being formality in her blood. Although she knows she would  soon swear.

After her posture became stable, she walked out of her room, her bare feet stepping on each cold tile that was marble. Her legs grew tired after walking down and up the stairs, bored out of her mind, wondering about what is left to do other than going out without a plan.

Her head was soon empty, without any comment of what to do which she blew heavy air out, running her hand through her hair.

"What is there to do?" She mumble, annoyed that the fact she couldn't go to school or get a job. But she couldn't blame it on anyone as she is just this uneducated girl who lives in this huge mansion but don't have a credit card. How weird could her life even be?

She soon froze midway on the steps of the tall stairs, hearing Gemma's laugh. She could clearly hear the smile in her voice, the laughter she brought out, and the happiness she felt at the moment. Aronica had only one feeling at that moment; Sorrow.

She had this pain, this weird feeling of disappointment, and it felt like she was a wall to Gemma's happiness. She felt like she was blocking her sister from laughing, from smiling, or from being happy. She felt selfish, only wanting Gemma to smile at her. She needed her only, but Gemma managed to hammer down her wall, using every bricks to fall, and go through it to enjoy her life. Aronica knew she would do that, but never gives up. She would still be around. But something poked at her head to think clearly.

Would she do this for the rest of her life? Being a wall to Gemma's happiness jsut so she could get her crack a smile? Would she stop it all, tell Gemma everything, and lose her only family?

She felt so pressured, so pressed down by the decision she would make. She had this weird feeling in her heart that eventually, she would get a replacement of sorrow with happiness.


She continued to ride her bicycle, circling around the neighbourhood, smiling as the wind hits her gently, pushing the small strands of hair that she didn't pull into the high ponytail. The breeze is something she lived for, one of the reasons her life is normal. She lived for everything that is beautiful and whatever could make her smile just by the sight.

She soon stopped on track, as a couple (or she thinks they are a thing) walks hand in hand, one boy with a curly hair frowning like it was his habit. He was quite tall, maybe over six foot, with his shirt all ragged and torn but the girl didn't seem to care as she lovingly smile at him. He didn't look appreciating enough for her love that is sending away towards his direction, and Aronica realized she was staring until the two of them stopped at her.

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