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We released our comeback song 'Likey' and we got much positive feedback! Today we're going to PyeongChang Festival venue for rehearsals. We entered our waiting room and I sat down in one of the chairs, Asuka places down her bag beside her seat and takes a small nap till Jiyeon unnie woke her up for rehearsals. We got into position and waited for the music to begin, after doing group rehearsals we did sub-unit rehearsals, speaking of sub-units, Justice will be having a comeback with the song 'Peek-a-boo'! We all gave out a few spoilers but it was fine,the company said we could give out them.

Anyways, we went back to our waiting room to see Asuka panicking. "Yah!" Seunghee unnie yells out as everyone but Asuka turns to her, "Why is she panicking?" She asked as Jiyeon unnie explains that someone had broken into our waiting room and stole Asuka's bag.

"Eotteoke?!" Asuka says as she places her hands on each side of her head, we then hear Jiyeon unnie's phone go off. It was a notification. We checked it and it was a photo of Asuka's belonging with the message 'my shrine will be complete if you give me my wife Eunha.'

"Ahh~Na museowo~" she whines and clutches onto her stage outfit which our stylist scolds her for. "He also placed his phone number down, should we contact the police?" Jiyeon suggested to our manager who nodded and we all told the staffs who allowed us to leave. NCT passed by us and asked why we were leaving so early so we just said Asuka's stuff had been stolen and now Mark is coming with us to comfort the crying maknae.


We now sat at the police station. Jiyeon unnie and Seunghee unnie posted on our group Instagram account about the incident and that we were sorry for holding up the festival. Soon my phone went off and it was from the same person. "Unnie! He texted me!" I showed the text for everyone to see.

From: Unknown Number
Give me my queen and everything will be alright.

I looked at the other members cautiously as I gesture to text him to which our manager nodded to.

To: Unknown Number
Where are you?

They texted back.

From: Unknown Number
Just leave my queen at XXXXX and I'll come to collect her 😏

I sighed heavily as I reply back.

To: Unknown Number

I closed my phone and we all, including the police, went to the location. "Why do I have to be the bait?!" Asuka whined as Mark chuckles.

"Because this person is obsessed with you," he responds and continues to text his members, mainly Taeyong. We arrived at the destination and placed Suka underneath a singular post light which oddly was the only one lit. Footsteps are then heard, a stumpy fat male came out of the shadows with a sinister smile plastered onto his face. Mark wasn't too pleased by it.

The man walked closer to Asuka who slowly backed away in fear. "My beautiful wife," he started as he tries to crease her cheek. "I finally have you all to myself," He then examines her body and his smile widens. "Just thinking of the things I can do you~," He says and grabs onto her arm harshly.

"STOP!" We all came out of our hiding spots and the man released Asuka. She ran towards us bawling her eyes out, I mean, I would too. The male raised his arms in the air as the police arrested him and searched the area, finding her belongings.

"Let's head back!" We all got into the van and drove off to the festival. We got our makeup re-touched while Asuka changed into a dog stage outfit. "Go ahead and show off this comeback! Be yourselves!" Our manager encourages us as we all smiled and walked onto the stage and performed (media).


The morning, I had a schedule. It was for Master Key, the show is basically about playing a bunch of games and the contestants are trying to find who has the master key. There are two contestants who have the master key: the angel and the devil.

I wore a formal dress which I loved!~ anyways, I walked over to where everyone else was standing and suddenly the staff said we had to find our keys somewhere around us, we all went off to find them. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one till I pass by one and a staff kindly told me about it. We then entered the chamber and checked our keys till it was my turn. I placed the key down in the slot and held the handles as I said the words, "Is this key the master key?" And opened the cabinet.

This is the devil master key

I smiled and contained anything that could give me away. I closed the cabinets and looked at everyone with a sweet and innocent smile. "Ah~She doesn't have the master key!" Henry oppa said. I only smiled.

We then went and changed into appropriate clothing for the games. Sohyun unnie and I changed while talking about the keys. "Unnie! I'm the angle!~" I said hoping she would believe me. "Oh, really?" I nodded.

"But I'm the angle," she said. Does she have the real angle key? I shrugged off the thoughts and tried to convince everyone else I was the angle until I was given the option to check who had it with my team.

Sohyun unnie has the other master key. I sighed. Now we are playing a game, the females will be taking turns and saying 'Yooji is the prettiest flower' then turn around and try to get rid of the other team members. If anyone from your team reaches you and hugs you then your team wins a point. We won both games.

After a while, it was now time to vote. "Who has the most votes," someone said, I don't exactly remember who. Suddenly, I spotlight hit Sohyun unnie and I, most people gasp as me and her made our way towards the chest in the middle and inserted the keys. Everyone was quiet. At the same time, me and Sohyun unnie turned the keys and the chest opened up.

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