||New Variety Show||

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I was called down to the YG office with Asuka the day after we arrived back in Korea. The plan of us having one last concert here in Korea was cancelled since Jiyeon unnie and Rinah unnie went straight to doing their dramas which I'm happy for them. When we arrived in YG-nim's office it was silent before YG spoke. "Miyoung would you like to go solo?" I was appalled at first before I slowly nodded my head at him and he brought out a file that was a solo contract.

I was so thrilled, I couldn't wait to tell my brother and give hints to my fans. "Asuka will be having a comeback with you as well, so you won't be by yourself while promoting," YG said as I nodded, energised about my upcoming success for my solo career. After we exited his office, we bumped into Winner sunbaenim, who recently had a comeback.

I, of course, congratulated them on their comeback and they thanked me and Asuka before leaving to head out to a schedule. When we returned home Yooji unnie called us all into the living room to announce something. "I'm going to be an mc for a new variety show!" she hollers as we all congratulate her. I'm so relieved she's getting something for herself since fans usually comment on some of our live videos that were uploaded to YouTube saying she's neglected and deserves more lines in our songs.

After celebrating we all went to bed. The next day, I went down to the company to record my solo song 'Fly' which I performed at our first concert for my solo performance. Once I finished my recording, I walked towards my music room to continue writing the other songs that are going on my mini album. After that, I went to go practice the performance section of the music video. Hours past and it's around midnight right now so I decided to head back to the dorms after eating dinner in the practice room since everyone would either be sleeping or at a schedule which is most likely, Jiyeon unnie and Rinah unnie who's filming a drama called 'Rather Be'.


The next day is May 10th 2018 and we all didn't have a schedule so we all decided to go to the nail salon and have a girl's day by ourselves without our managers and all that. We arrived at the salon and entered. Ee formally greeted the staff working there and sat down in a row while choosing our nails, after a few hours past by, we were done with our hair and nails. We showed our designs to each other (media). "I love yours Yooji~"Rinah said as I smiled and thanked her. Right after we all went shopping but separately in groups three. I was with Rinah and Hyerin which was okay with me. Kunhyun had decided to go with the older members; Jiyeon unnie and Seunghee unnie.

The maknaes line is together again, basically, nothing can separate them except sub-unit schedules, the two and I entered Adidas, we looked around before actually buying things and exploring even more. After shopping around, Rinah received a call from Jiyeon unnie, telling her to meet the others at a Tteokbokki shop which was nearby us. We saw the others so we walked over towards them and I saw they had a lot of shopping bags...oh god...I wonder how we're going to fit all of our newly bought clothing in our wardrobes that are filled already.

After we had our fun we all went home and slept since tomorrow we have a few schedules to attend to me. I have a few web drama cameos to do then a few photoshoot sand interviews. I sigh as I woke up the next day and got dressed for my photo shoot that I had today for Jessica unnie's company Blanc & Eclare, I greeted the staff that were at the venue of the photoshoot as I changed and posed for the camera.


Today I have a free schedule and so does Mark! So we both decided to go on a date at a cafe near Han River. I dressed in a laced jersey top that Had a black singlet attached to it so it wouldn't be that sheer. I paired it with a pair of black shorts and my black Nike shoes. I added a few accessories and a Snapback hat that I adore. Hoshi Oppa bought for me on my 15th birthday.

I met up with Mark near the river before we both began walking to the cafe together, of course, we had a disguise but fans already knew it was us, so they didn't bother us which I'm grateful for. As we both walked, we happened to see someone getting bullied which caused me to stop and watch. I unhooked my arm from Mark oppa's and walked towards them. "YAH!" I yelled, causing them to look at me as I took off my sunglasses and mask. The bullies were shocked and scared that they were on their knees apologising for their mistake, which of course I had spoken to them about the situation.

"Yah. Is he your friend? He isn't, isn't he? Ah, I'm irritated by you three. You're not my fans if you take part in this sin. I will not provide feelings of recognition or admiration to participates of bullying or abuse. I have influenced my fans to be the prominent person in life and not stand by these sort of circumstances. Are you really my fans? Cause my fans would've known to not bully anyone. Friend or not. No one deserves to be treated in such a way. They are humans just like us. They have feelings. Do you ever consider their feelings? Presumably not, am I correct? Heol, I am appalled by you three. Hurry up. Apologise. "

My voice was calm yet held a fair amount of authority. The bullies apologised to the boy and left. I helped the young boy up onto his feet with Mark oppa by my side. We chatted with the boy; who's name is Minseok. He had thanked us and had told me that he was a fan of mine and that he wasn't able to attend any event regarding Troublemakers because he was working multiple Job to support his family.

His mother is sick and is in the hospital and his father left them as well. He's supporting his younger sister's schooling as well as his own. His story made me really sad. I had to give him something and I did!~ I signed album I had brought yesterday. I was going to mail it to my aunt in New York but he was a huge fan of us and his story was so touching. After our little encounter with them, Mark oppa and I went to the cafe and ate a strawberry bingsu.

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