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We're all currently rehearsing our concert before preparing another album and comeback for the fans. I've been sleeping a lot in the van more often now it's kinda like a habit. The 00 liners, as well as Miyoung and I, are off of schooling since it takes time to prepare a concert with all the microphone checks and stage formations. It gets frustrating at times but it's fun. I smiled as we all continued rehearsing till we finished at around 3 in the morning.

The next day was another rehearsal day for us. We rehearse for about ten days then we have two nights of the concert, right now it's the subunit's performance time while I'm sitting in a chair getting sweat wipe off of me, I check my phone for updates about my grandma who's in the hospital. I sigh as I too glances from my phone to the stage checking if everything was fine.


I get very worried over the younger members of our group. See as the group's leader, it's my duty to make sure they're getting enough rest and are eating well, but unfortunately managed oppa and unnie and our CEO had decided it would be best if the two eldest members: Seunghee and I moved out to a nearby apartment that is around 1-3 hours away for the dorm and company.

Asuka has been having a rough time with her grandma being in the hospital aside from the fact that she has a VERY busy schedule that she needs to attend even though she doesn't want to, she had also asked more-like begged our manager to allow her to perform a special performance for her grandma from New York. As I was resting, I could see Asuka taking glances from her phone to the stage and back. We were then called onto the stage for BLACK PINK's rehearsals, which meant we couldn't have our phones on us in case we accidentally drop them while dancing, and with our choreography, I'm pretty sure they would've.

After rehearsals, we all went out to get dinner and when we were waiting for our food to arrive we took a group photo and posted it on our group SNS account.



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@Troublemaker.YGbby : Finished with rehearsals!Time for some food!~~~
💬52,494,291,942 more comments
@StanTalentStanTroublemakers : Ahhhh~So pretty!
@Pusheen.Cat : Troublemakers fighting!~

Everyone read and responded to a few comments till the food arrived and we devoured it in around an hour or two; how ladylike of us. We were leaving the restaurant, we headed into the van and drove off back to the dorm to drop off the other members while me and Seunghee were driven to our apartment. The next day was the very same thing. We just had rehearsals and had a lot of snack breaks and water breaks, also right after the concert is done Eunmi and Asuka are travelling to Eunmi's hometown with their companions for Eunmi's cousin's wedding.

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