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💃🏻 EUNMI'S P.O.V 💃🏻

I can't believe we're actually going to be having our first ever tour! By ourselves as Troublemakers! We've also been preparing for our comeback 'knock knock' and we - and by we I mean Miyoung, Kunhyun and Asuka gave out a few spoilers which are fine.

We released the teasers for the music video and had fans pre-order the album as fast as they could before they sold all out, which they did after a minute or so. Today is our second part of our concert where we perform 'Knock Knock' for the fans as a special treat I guess.

After our concert we went back to the dorms and rested since tomorrow is a rest day for us all, maknae line decided to go out to Lotte World for fun. We would be going with a few friends like Krystal unnie, Amber unnie and Tiffany unnie since they were free after their busy schedules.

ALSO! Seunghee unnie is FINALLY off hiatus and promoted 'Rookie' with Justice and is promoting 'Knock Knock' with us! I'm so happy she's back plus her mother's plus step-father's wedding was really fun~We got to fly out to Shanghai to attend it.

Today is our comeback day as well as BTS which I'm sure Hyerin is happy about. Asuka and I are currently on our way to visit NCT Dream, when we entered Asuka hugged Mark and I chatted with Jisung for a bit till we left for our comeback stage (media). After we all ended up going back to the dorms and resting for a while till we had practice.

When we finished rehearsals for 'Knock Knock' we then rehearsed our other title songs from our albums. After we all asked Manager oppa to order us chicken to eat since we're lazy and can't move our bones. MOVING ON~ Tomorrow is March 2nd which is mine and Vernon's 1 year anniversary and I'm anxious about it really.

I mean it's my first time dating someone and for a year long! I sighed heavily as I walked over to Asuka and sat down beside her. "What's up?"She says as I gave her a nervous smile.

"Tomorrow is mine and your oppa's anniversary but I don't know what to get him," I say as I look down onto the floor of our practice room.

{ bold for Asuka, Italics for Eunmi }
"Think about what he likes unnie"
"What did Mark give you?"
"He bought me a beautiful charm bracelet with our initials engraved it"
"Uurrrgggghhhhh~Why is dating so hard?~"
"Just buy him whatever he likes"

Asuka then stood up before practising once more by herself as we; unnies watch her with proud eyes. Oh Gosh, I sound like a mother. I smiled as I finally got an idea for our anniversary tomorrow; a bracelet which is plain but cute. We all went home and slept.

I was awoken by our precious maknae, I then released that I had a schedule to attend to and would be standing up Vernon on our anniversary which made me sad to think about. "Eunmi!" our manager called me as I hurried on getting dresses as I walked over to him worried about whatever he wanted to tell me. "Your schedule has been cleared out today," he said as I stood in shock.

"H-how?!" I'm speechless right now. I couldn't be more happier than in my entire life! I rushed into my room and got dressed in a casual outfit. A pair of black jeans, a cute oversized sweater with my black high tops and my essentials such as sunglasses, mask and baseball cap.

I smiled as I took a cab to Vernon's place.


We all have different schedules today. I would be going to the set of HSR (High School Rapper) to support Mark. He's been really busy lately. With NCT Dream promoting their single and him doing this show is really tiring him out.

I was wearing a black skater skirt with a white cropped jumper (media) when the staff said I would be interviewed a few times to see my personal view of the show and all that. I'm currently backstage watching all the teams perform, Mark knew I was coming to support him and it seems to me that he worked extra hard on this performance that he did.

-------- INTERVIEW --------
Q: How do feel about this show?

"It's really different," I answered. "It's not your usual competition shows that usually only showcase vocal ability so that's something I really like about the show."

Q: How well do you think Mark will do?

"There are many good rappers participating so I don't actually know. He's very hardworking, that I will say. With his popularity, he'll probably be in the top 10?" I smiled.

Q: Would you like to participate in the show?

"I would love to come on as a special guest. I heard the final stages will be a song chosen by the contestant however they write their own rap, I'd like to participate in that!"

--------END OF INTERVIEW--------

After my interview with them, I decided to watch them perform before heading back to the practice room to dance for a while. After my schedules; which meant me being at HSR and rehearsals for 'Knock Knock' and that was it for my day. I'm sure Eunmi had a fun day with Vernon oppa.


Today is yet another free day for me!~ Anyways, I only have one thing in my schedule and that's HSR once again! Mark texted me saying him and Young-B would be practising late at SM cause of his schedules which meant he wanted me to come and see him.

At 6:30 pm, I headed down to SM ent. and I brought snacks with me in case they were hungry. "Man I could go for a burger right now," I hear someone sigh inside of NCT's practice room. I knocked on the door and it was opened by Mark oppa.

"Oh! Jagi, why are you here?" he asked as he allowed me in. I saw the cameras around so I smiled and bowed when I entered.

"Anneonghaseyo~" I smiled while bowing down 90 degrees as I turned to Mark and he gave me a hug which I hugged back of course. I saw Young-B staring at me in shock, I bowed and greeted him as I normally did while he did his greeting really shyly; which made me smile even more.

I watched them rehearsal with a smile on my face as they finished the staff had asked me to show them something I was working on. "Eunmi unnie and I were working on this dance for our tour," I smiled and played the music.

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