Chapter - 53 Stay Away!

Start from the beginning

Always felt good to be back home. They say it right, the place your born is the place you'll never want to be away from. I'm am very well addicted to Delhi. My home, my comfort. I'm glad that this time I did not come alone but brought the future possible bride along with me. I hope she loved my friends and the place. I hope my family won't try to embarrass me more if not less with all those childhood naked stories all over the place. For days she'll get a chance to annoy me. 

Alia did not looked her true self today. Pretty odd. Travelling had always dazzled her spirit. She is not a person to sit at a corner, all shy to not speak with strangers. And here I am indicating towards my close knit friends. She knows them if not that properly addressed. I thought they might make her feel warm and welcomed. But she looked uncomfortable throughout the ride. Something is up playing with her mood. 

But the moment my chubby little nephew Adhiraj (again) bounced and ran into her arms, hugging her tightly, her mood changed 360 degree. My family gave an instant boost up to her degraded mood. She turned back to the sunshine she had always been. I was visibly tensed at her meeting my family but she shocked all of us. While having our almost breakfast-lunch, she chatted away with them as if it had been a routine ever since ages. My bhabhi and alia bonded over fashion and movies. 

My elder brother never much cared to bond with any of my associate friend but then here we are talking about my Alia! She surely had a way with people. 

Within couple of hours, she gained a place for herself in all of their heart's. I am so proud of my baby. By noon, all of us had retired for our respective rooms to have some rest. My crazy gang had gone back to their home after having lunch, only to promise coming back tomorrow morning to show us around. I thought to take a visit on alia since all of this, is new for her. To make sure she is well taken care of, is comfortable in the new surrounding. 

I slightly knocked at the guest room she had been allocated. A faint stumble made me realise how gravely clumsy is my partner! It was also a cue for me to enter. I pushed the wooden door to find my girl sitting on the marbled floor with an heartwarming confusion spread on her face. "Kya hua baby ? Why does my kitty looks so troubled ?" I asked with amusement. She gave me a faint smile and invited me to sit along with her on the floor. 

I smiled wide and accepted her request. "So how's my family ?" I asked out of utter curiosity.

She acted innocent first and then replied "Not bad! Quite decent people unlike their last born." And with that I pounced her with my tickle attack. She giggled so loud that I had to muffle her voice. "Shh... we do have normal human sleeping in our home, Ms Bhatt" I reminded her of her own dialogue back at her home when all of us stumbled after Filmfare for a nightout. That made her roll her eyes. 

We were in a quite complicated position with me on her top, her lying beneath me on the floor. Anyone could misunderstand us for our position. 

I eyed her with mischief while making sure that my weight is balanced on both my arms at her respective side so that I don't crush my little baby. "Sidharth.... aren't you too much influenced by Ranveer and others ?" she asked with eyes glinting in wonder. "Nah! I'm way too influenced by someone more personal and more inflammable. I believe you know whom I have complaints against" I spoke with a husky tone to intimidate her. She opened her mouth to speak but the damned phone had to ring. 

Always had a bad timing.

We gently helped ourselves to feet and she answered that irritating call. I swear I'll beat the crap out of that person if this ain't important. Her face naturally got it's bright hue with that one answer back. It might be someone that close. 

Maybe shaheen or her parents, or maybe Karan. 

"Haan bol na | Nahi ya, I haven't got time to do so | Just reached today at Sid's place | Oh awesome. Everyone here had been really warm and cool | Had lunch, what about you ? " she spoke animatedly with someone I recognized to be Arjun on the other line.

Bits of their conversation pricking into my heart like shard pieces of broken glass. If there was someone I had bad vibe associated with, it had to be him. Why exactly, I don't know myself. Hard to explain. The mere thought of him near my girl makes my blood boil. There had been always this nagging feel I had around him. Not a man I liked completely. It hurts to see him disrupting our private moments still when we are miles away from him. 

He better stay in his limits.

NOTE : I know it isn't that of a good quality chapter. I wrote this amidst a writer's block, a major one! So it has it's own downfall. Kindly understand where am I leading the story into. Many of you might like gauri but she is not a good person in this story. Arjun ain't that bad but he sure causes a feud indirectly! 

This track is to balance the amount of jealousy on both sides. 

I'm more familiar with Alia's friends and less with Sidarth's. So mind me if I'm clueless about them. I was thinking to give this story it's major ending this year alone but alas! But my other Sidlia short story will have it's end the next year (Love Revisited)

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 JEMI is the name!  (Link in Bio)

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Love forever,

Jemi :)

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