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Ariana's pov

I'd call out for help, but then again I wouldn't want William to hear me or find out where I was at. That would give me up and maybe I'd be in his arms possibly being beaten up or raped. No one really knows.

Or maybe he's not running for me anymore. That would be silly because William isn't stupid. He wouldn't just let me see his face then let me go freely. That's why all these months he didn't let me go or wouldn't even let me look out the window unless he was there and even when he was there I'd say I looked out the window four times in the past four months? That's not a lot is it? Once every month I was able to look out the window

I missed every moment I had when I was with Alex. He gave me the feeling of freedom and exception. He always cared for me and always helped me throw any problem I ever had. Now this time I was the reason he was behind bars. The reason why he was not safe. I'd be able to hold Alex one more time if it meant I had to stab William again. If I had to kill someone or burn a town down just to see him smile again.

I kept walking for what seemed like hours. The sun was starting the to fade into a pink and blue sky. I figured it was becoming night time and all I knew is that I couldn't let myself sleep tonight. I needed to get back on the mane road, not fully on the road we're people could see me, but close enough I could hear the cars and see the lights so I wasn't so scared of being alone in the dark.

I never knew I liked being a little. Never knew what it was until I can here with William. He showed me a new world that I never knew was there. I loved soppy cups. Loved being cradled, bathed and loved being in baby clothing. I should thank William for that but that wasn't a possible thing since he was the reason I was lost in the middle of no where alone without a jacket. He never knew how much pain he put me throw and I wish he did. I wish he didn't do this to me.

I'm alone. I finally was able to tell myself this. I was alone and I for the first didn't want to be alone. I passed by a sign not to long ago and no where near it said ' LA miles from here '. I sighs to myself as I start to run. Walking wasn't going to help me. All it did was slow me down and make me less awake. I needed to keep tuning if I wanted to be able to make it back to LA. Find a police station and give them my statement about Alex and William. William needed to pay! He needed to be locked up for what he did to Alex.. oh my Alex's fans must be so mad about all this. Mad at me if they know me and mad about everything else. I couldn't blame them.. I did this to him.

It was now dark outside. The pretty pink and blue sky was no where to be seen. It was just black and scary. I saw many cars pass by and each one for hen scared me. I thought every car that passed me in these tall fields were William trying to find me so he could kill me or break my spirit my joy or my will to live. I tried my best to keep him out my head but it was hard. I knew William was alone and I wish he wasn't. I hoped he didn't do this to me because maybe he could have someone of his own who would help him so he couldn't do this to other people, but then I didn't want William to have anyone because what he has done was wrong and he needed to be alone forever.

My leg was bleeding. My head was pounding and I couldn't stop them both. The closer I felt to LA the more I got pumped up to keep running or walking. Something for me to do so I wouldn't give up on Alex. Give up on getting home. Alex was my only help. The only reason why I needed to get back to him. I was gone for months and this was the first time I was able to get out and be free. Part of me wanting to dance around the dead field with joy that I was finally free, but part of me knew I wasn't completely free until I got to a police station.

The sun was peeking over the street lights. I was finally in a town. I made it I told myself as I limped to the closes store to me. A small pet shop with a lady in the corner holding a little brown puppy. I open d the door and fell to my butt. I started to cry and breath so heavy.

Erase me | Alex aiono (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now