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If someone asked Hwang Hyeon Ju what the essential thing in life was, her answer would be power.

Once one possessed it, everything else followed. Money, love, fame power was the key.

People think money empowers; Hyeon Ju did not believe that, for she got the power first with her brains alone.

As she watched a re-run of The Descendant Of The Sun, she wondered why no one ever thought to sue all the producers for conveying a lie. They should sue at the source of all stories, Disney.

Yes, Disney was at the start of this deceiving tale, which consisted of saying love conquered all.

All these lobbies made generations believe and fight for this great lie, which was love.

Hyeon Ju knew better; the emotion was a mere mirage created by the body's mechanics, making puppets believe they were human.

Why didn't anyone make a story of her fate that reflected the world's reality and its darkness?

Hwang Hyeon Ju was one of the ordinary people, born daughter of a man who enjoyed gambling who left as a heritage the knowledge of how to cheat on the house and debts.

Debts, so high that Hyeon Ju had no choice but to quit high school to help her mother, who worked in a sentaksu [dry cleaners]. Unable to pay, Hyeon Ju became the loan sharks meat, a hostess catering for the rich, and that's when she met him.

Ho Gong Yoo was born with a golden spoon in his mouth and a silver cradle. An incredibly handsome and taciturn man, his thoughts were a closed book.

Hyeon Ju saw things people did not acknowledge themselves, but Gong Yoo was a mystery.

She served the drinks while the other hostess swayed their naked breasts at the old drunk men.

Gong Yoo was not drunk, he was there to sign a contract, and nothing more, the women surrounding him had no effect on him. It was the second time he was signing a deal there and that he saw her.

The girl appeared too young for this job, yet she did not tremble or quiver as the older men touched and grabbed her as she served through her eyes, showed hate, rage, and pride. The young woman looked at the customers with enough satisfaction. You'd believe she was of high birth, and this intrigued the man.

As Gong Yoo left the club that night, he forgot something in her intent, and he waited to see if there was some nobility in the young hostess.

The answer came sooner than he expected, as Hyeon Ju sprinted under the rain.

"Stop the car," Goo Yoo ordered.

"Gugolnim [title used for a client or customer] you forgot your watch."

"How do you know it's mine?"

"I don't know, but maybe you can give it back to its rightful owner."

Hyeon Ju knew the watch was of great value, it could entirely reimburse her father's debts, maybe even change her miserable life if given to a pawn shop, yet Hyeon Ju chose to return it.

"Thank you, what's your name?" Gong Yoo asked.

"Hyeon Ju, Hwang Hyeon Ju."

"Thank you; this watch is very dear to me. I must repay you for returning it. Would you accept to dine with me, let's say tomorrow?"

Hyeon Ju hesitated; she knew full well how men of Gong Yoo's rank saw girls like her who worked in bars, and she hated being their underdog.

"I won't harm you. I just want to thank you," Gog Yoo said with a smile.

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