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"Is it me, or is the ambiance here heavy, like really," Dae-Jung whispered in Soo-Hae's ears.

Soo Hae shrugged, "seems normal to me."

"Gong wonー," Dae Jung said, turning to face him.

"I don't care," Gong Won replied.

Dae Jung returned to his paper, "wah, Seoul citizens are cold."

Ji Seong's self-control surprised Sa-rang, despite the cat and dog arguments to which everyone was used to Ji-Seong's reactions were tamed. The man was even quieter than usual.

Three days had passed since Ji-Seong's and Sa-rang's altercation. If at first Ji-Seong demonstrated his anger, he now appeared to sulk.

Ji-Seong's silence was strategic thinking; he observed Sa rang's behavior, which had not changed. Of course, she avoided being alone with him, asking Soo-Hae to accompany them in almost every action.

And there was Gong-Won, Ji-Seong disliked the manners he had towards the professor, which made him feel slight waves of jealousy without foundations. Ji-Seong knew there were no grounds to handle such an emotion, yet it was more substantial than him.

Women threw him away and treated him like a kleenex as an escort, but he never felt this way.

Ji-Seong could not accept being pushed away by her because deep down within him, he had the conviction it was not Sa-rang's earnest will. Ji-Seong knew women, how they manipulated and lied; Sa-rang's harsh words were in contradiction with the night they spent. The woman's body told him things; at that instant, Sa-rang was naked, both body and soul.

The rejection was a probability Ji-Seong had thought of beforehand. The professor was not the type to let herself go-the fantasy of dating a student. Still, taking the blows of her angry words was challenging for the man who never experienced denial.

"It's good for today, don't forget to leave your assignments in my office. "

Sa-rang left the room first, followed by Ji-Seong, who took the stairs behind her. He needed to talk to her even a short instant; he had to show her.

A clash with someone's shoulder made him stop as he felt what he was holding drop.

"Seonbae, you droppedㅡ," started a familiar voice before stopping.

Ji-Seong turned to see Sonmi holding the bracelet.

"Oh, ah, thank you," Ji-Seong said and climbed a few steps to where she stood.

"This bracelet, it's funny, it's exactly like the one I bought for my mother," Sonmi said with a bewildered stare which was slowly transforming into one of suspicion.

"It's my girlfriend's," Ji-Seong replied while he stared at the bracelet which hung from Sonmi's hand. He had to retrieve it no matter what.

"Sorry, seonbae, I didn't mean to be indiscreet. It's just this bracelet is a replica. It'sㅡ."

"Thank you for picking it up," Ji-Seong said, cutting in on Sonmi's response. The timing was terrible for Sonmi to start connecting dots concerning her mother and the senior med student.

For a while, the man stared at her; Ji Seong used to see Sonmi so often he was persuaded the girl was stalking him. Now meeting Sonmi was rare.

Sonmi made sure to avoid Ji-Seong, and she had issues of her own to attend to; the situation with Jae was far from being simple, and the freshman was no longer at ease in Ji-Seong's presence. She wondered if the man was aware of her night with Jae. Sonmi worried about the opinion Ji-Seong had about her. Perhaps he thought she was a slut, one of the easy girls who welcomed any man between her thighs.

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