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"Sonmi, can I speak to you?"

"About what, professor Lee?"


"What is the problem?" Sonmi said, making big eyes at her mother and crossing her arms.

"Don't use that tone with me?"

"Which tone? We're on campus, and I think I'm addressing myself to you with all the respect your title grants you."

"Sonmi, I don't want to argue with you. I'd like you to visit Dr.Hong at the Hong byeongㅡ."

"I thought you were not to interfere with my life."

"I'm not; it's justㅡ."

"I don't want recommendations or favors from your mentors."

"Sonmi, it's not what you think," Sa-rang said in despair.

"Then what is it?"

Sa-rang tried to muster enough courage to tell her to have Dr. Hong do a check-up on her. Then she had second thoughts Sonmi was too young, and somehow she was not ready. Sonmi's face displayed the distaste she carried for Sa-rang. The professor did not see herself revealing her condition while her daughter stood in such a defensive mode.

"Fine, Sonmi, I won't bother you. Is your room okay? How are the courses?"

"Don't, don't try to play the good mother. It doesn't suit you, Professor Lee."

With these words, Sonmi turned and left.

If sweetness was the adjective that qualified Sonmi, it was something she reserved for everyone except Sa-rang, to whom she showed a borderline attitude.

Sonmi's cheeks were flushed with frustration; she lived in such a contradiction. Despite the anger, there was a part of her who longed to be mommy's little girl. It was that part which pushed her to apply in pre-med. She didn't just desire to rival with Sa-rang as the professor thought. She wanted to obtain the woman's acknowledgment and respect.

"pabeo=idiot," Sonmi muttered to herself.

The morning rotations allowed Sa-rang to push back her worries about Sonmi, and Yoona at lunchtime swept another set of new queries in her direction.

"How is it going with Sam Daㅡ."


"Araresso [I know], so?" Yoona said.

"Nothing, he's acting as though nothing happened."

"That's good; you don't seem happy. Wait, Sa-rang, you didn't expect him to push you against the walls in staircases or locking you up in a dark room for some extracurricular activities, did you?"

The professor blushed, "Yoona, neo Mi cheo sseo? [are you crazy?]

"Ah, the idea did cross your mind. It wouldn't be normal if it didn't."

"Why aren't you shocked by any of this?" Sa-rang asked.

From the start, Yoona was unfazed by the situation. At the same time, as a psychologist, Yoona had almost seen it all in her office. Her vision of the world and people were reduced to one theory: to accept the unpredictable.

"I distinct the private and professional, and for me, you can do whatever. What did you expect? The society Sam Damsoo works for isn't called Silent Knight for the show, and they guarantee total discretion. I'm not surprised by his behavior. The contrary would have shocked me.

"Oh, Yoona, what am I to do? I could receive a message from S.K at any moment. Otoké, otoké," Sa-rang stopped to look at her friend. Experiencing such silence in Yoona's presence was rare.

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