╟ YoonJoon/NamGi ╳ ❝leather❞

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Genre: Partial Smut
Warnings: Heterosexual stuff and Drinking
Words: 1,088

Yoongi grinded his crotch into the behind of some random girl at the club. She smirked when he felt him against her and pushed her ass against him in response. He chuckled and spun her around, grinding his drunken half arousal into her crotch that was barely covered by the short neon blue dress she wore. She smiled, obviously drunk off her ass, too, grinding back into his rising dick.

Yoongi was a man of honor, strictness and wealth, so for him to show up to a lower class club and get drunk off his rocket to start grinding on some random woman that probably wasn't his type he must've been desperate; and he was. He usually liked his job, but it was beating his ass for an unknown reason that he couldn't care about at the moment. That he wanted not to care about.

He hiccuped and giggled, nuzzling into the woman's shoulders and licking a stripe from there to her jugular. She barked out an ugly rasp of her throat that he soon realized was meant to be a chuckle. He didn't care; as long as he got a tight hole to fuck tonight, he was satisfied. The random girl- he named her 'Su' because of the lack of a proper introduction -dragged him to a dark corner of the tacky, sweaty club and sat him down in an uncomfortable, sticky, faux leather couch.

She giggled throatily and spun around in front of him, showing off her featureless body that looked moderately attractive in her dress. His hand held her sides loosely while she twirled for a second time, occasionally squeezing her ass or boobs, making her hiccup and moan. She stopped her spinning and clumsily slipped the thin straps of her dress off her shoulders, rubbing her hands over them in what was supposed to be a sensual motion. 'Su' let her shoulders be, slowly dragging her hands over her figure before stepping out of her heels and lifting up the dress skirt. Yoongi smiles drunkenly and rubbed 'Su' through her red lace panties that clashed with her dress. She moaned and thrust into his hand, making him rub her clit rougher than before. She dazedly smiles at herself, pulling Yoongi's hand away to take her underwear off and put the lace fabric close to her high heels.

'Su' smiled and rubbed her now naked pussy with her manicured hands, lightly fingering herself while moaning exaggeratedly as Yoongi watched the show half passed out. Their corner was dark enough that, thankfully, no-one noticed them just about to fuck in the middle of the club. Yoongi smirked, leaning forward and rubbing her clit again, eliciting moans from her again. As she was taking off her dress and settling into Yoongi's lap, he spoke to her for the first time. "Hey- hey, gi~~rl," he spoke, smiling at her showing off his pink gums while he massages her breasts that were still covered by a red lace bra matching the panties on the floor besides them.
"Mmh, y- you look hot right n-no~w..."

She giggled and went for a kiss, Yoongi meeting her halfway there as his tongue licked it's way into her mouth. He didn't remember much after that.


He woke up the morning after still in the uncomfortable 'leather' couch, his flaccid, cum-covered dick out and about to anyone to see. There was no trace of the girl. He quickly went to the bathroom to clean himself up and make himself a little decent before having to walk the walk of shame to the door and having to confront the club's owner. He rubbed his sore neck while he walked down the narrow staircase to the main floor of the club. He tripped on his feet a few times because of the killer headache he had, that was making white dots appear around the edges of his vision. He soon realized that his hangover wasn't the only factor making his vision defective; he apparently had lost his contacts.

He groaned and went to the little box at the front of the club where a guy made you leave your stuff at so you didn't loose it. He was annoyed at the little stand by the entrance last night, but now he was immensely grateful. The door to the small cabin was open, so he invited himself in to look for his purse. The actually real leather material was placed in one of the shelves under the counter which he had to bend down a little to get. He set his purse down on the counter while he rummaged through it in search of his glasses' case. When he found it, he opened the noisy thing and settled his glasses in the bridge of his nose.

He sighed when his vision cleared from some of the fog from earlier and closed the case, wincing at the loud snap. A similar wince came from behind him, making him look over his shoulder in surprise, but not alarm. A man was standing a little outside the doorway, arms crossed over his chest in a curious pose. His skin was tanned to a beautiful golden tone which Yoongi had trouble believing was natural. The guys looked into his eyes when Yoongi turned around to face him and snickered.

"Hey... you...," the guy trailed off, not knowing what honorifics to use but continued when Yoongi didn't provide any answer to his unspoken question. "So, how's that hangover?"

Yoongi groaned while getting his purse and making a move to leave. He wasn't going to deal with the, he guessed, owner's dry humor.

"Hey! Hey, you! I haven't told you my name yet!" The guy called out as Yoongi was going for the door. "And you owe me a new couch!"

Yoongi groaned again and turned around while wearing an annoyed scowl on his face. "That couch was shit any ways."

"My name's Namjoon, Kim Nam Joon, 24," Namjoon ignored his comment about the quality of the couch and introduced himself.

"Min Yoo Gi, 25, I'll buy you a better couch," Yoongi sighed and turned around and reaching for the doorknob, wanting to get out of the grimy club and it's way too friendly owner. "Can I go now?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes but answered quickly. "Yeah, yeah, hyung, you can go; but get me real leather!" Namjoon called out to him as the door was closing behind him. Yoongi gave him a thumbs up and kept walking.

a/n: don't kill me guys (c u z my dIck feLl oFf)

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