╟ NamKook II ╳ ❝departure❞

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Genre: Angst
Warnings: None
Words: 2,070

That night, Jungkook decided that he was going to take Namjoon's advice and let him go. It took him some time and a lot of nights spent crying, but he finally moved on. Or at least he thought he did.

Time slowly passed, and then Yoongi was enlisted into the army in 2022; a sad occasion that was spent the same way they spent it with Seokjin's enlistment. ARMY reminded BTS that they still were by their side by making the hashtag #goodbyeYoongi trend, which served as minimal comfort. Grief reigned their hearts and nothing could lift their mood, even ARMY's attempts were mildly futile. After Yoongi left in his plane for the army base, the boys left, too, looking for a bar and to forget the fact that next year, other two people were going into the army. Jungkook, too, grieved Yoongi's departure; even if he had acted very maliciously towards him and Namjoon, that didn't mean that he was going to be happy at a member of his group leaving for service. He could never feel that way towards one of his hyungs.

As the alcohol coursed through them, they celebrated that the maknae line would be at the airport to receive Seokjin when he landed and mourned the fact that Namjoon and 'their Hobi' were going to be next. Now missing both of the big hyungs, the group felt very disoriented and incomplete. The air was tension thick and everyone kept fidgeting in their seats with anxiousness while they tried to calm down their frayed nerves.

Hoseok broke down into tears in the middle of a round of shots while confessing how scared he was of going into the army and sobbing about how he wasn't going to survive it. Namjoon comforted his friend, loudly declaring that if Hoseok could dance he could do anything as an attempt to lighten the mood. It worked, thankfully, as the guys laughed as Hoseok smiled shaking and laughed wetly while saying that dancing wasn't that hard. Namjoon smiled tightly and ordered a seventh round of shots. "To BTS," Namjoon loudly toasted, hoping to maintain the somewhat clear atmosphere and not let it go back to the sadness ridden tension of before. Raising his shot glass into the air, the other guys copying his movements, he continue, "that is going to survive!" The guys whooped and downed their shots, barely flinching at the disgusting taste of vodka.

One by one, their stomachs started rejecting the alcohol, making them rush to the bathroom and empty everything they had consumed that night into a dirty toilet bowl. When he had come out of the stall after his own round of vomiting and gone back into the bar, Namjoon told the guys that it was about time to go back. Namjoon called one of their managers, not even trying to hide the fact that he was drunk while asking for someone to drive them home as they were in no fit state to drive around in the middle of the night. Hobeom sighed and hung up after saying that he would send someone. A few minutes later, a random guy from the company showed up and drove them to the dorm in their van, clearly annoyed at having to do it, but he didn't make any comments.

Immediately after his feet touched the ground, Jimin ran off into the dorm, and shortly after retching sounds started to come from the bathroom. The guys winced in sympathy as they, too, walked into the dorms and the guy driving the van called for a cab, who didn't bother with a spare glance their way.

They plopped down onto the couch as Namjoon got them all plastic bags, just in case anyone had anything left in their stomachs. Again, one by one, the guys retired to their respective rooms, leaving a 'passed out' Jungkook on the couch with Namjoon was staring at the wall in front of him as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"You were one of the best boyfriends I've ever had," confessed Jungkook, startling Namjoon momentarily, clearly not as 'passed out' as Namjoon had thought.

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