Back To You (Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger)

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For Charlie Weasley, Christmas had come early. He looked at the wide eyed girl standing a few feet away from him, then up to the festive plant that was keeping them both hostage. "Well, Granger... It looks like we have  a bit of a problem here." He says to the pretty girl standing about eight steps to his right. "I'll have you know, I'm going to kill the twins." She said to him, her eyes locking with Fred and Georges as they sat on the couch ten feet away, a bucket of popcorn sat between them. Charlies eyes shifted to his identical younger brothers, flashing them a thankful smile. "Well, It looks like we are trapped here until we snog, Hermione." Charlie says with a laugh as he watches her eyes dart between him and the plant on top of the door frame he was positive she would set fire to as soon as they were free. She turned to the twins, "I don't see why you two think it funny to trap me in here, you forget we are flatmates sometimes." She growls at Fred and George, causing the twins to laugh and say "Worth it." 

Charlie and Hermione stood facing each other for ten minuets before Hermione finally sighed and approached Charlie. "Sorry about this..." She said to him as she hooked one arm around his neck and used it to pull his lips to hers. When their lips met in the middle, it was as if fireworks had gone off inside the Burrow. The twins watched slack-jawed as their older brother pushed Hermione back into the wall by the door frame and proceed to snog the daylights out of her.  Charlie and Hermiones each allowed the other to explore their mouth, tongues tangling in a fight for dominance over what should have just been a quick snog that had quickly gotten out of hand. Charlie reaches his hand down to cup Hermiones arse, causing the bookish girl to jump us and wrap her legs around the toned body of the red headed dragon tamer.  Fred sees Charlies hand start to disappear under Hermiones skirt, and promptly starts choking on his mouthful of popcorn. 

Fred Weasleys choking noises break whatever trance that was holding Hermione Granger, and she yelps before jumping down from the dragon tamers arms, and taking off up stairs to find Harry and Teddy. Fred and George watch with wide eyes as Charlie watches the witch run off upstairs, before he turns to the twins with a grin. "I think that worked out well... Should I tell her it only sprouts for soulmates? Or will that get me hexed?" Charlie asks his younger brothers, both of which are looking at the stairs with wide eyes. "Hexed." They respond, their eyes never leaving the stairs... "Who knew Granger had that in her? I've only ever seen her snog one person before and it's because they were both drunker than Seamus when Ireland wins the Quidditch World Cup."  George says, looking at Fred with a grin. "Yes... It was rather odd of Percy to jump the poor girl, wasn't it?" Fred asks his twin, both of them watching as Charlie scowls, and takes off up the stairs to find the girl... 

"I can hear the wedding bells now, Freddie...."

(Short, but, Sweet!) (Let me know if you like it!) 

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