True Loves Curse

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When he'd slipped the potion into her pumpkin juice, he'd not expected it to last longer than thirty seconds.

The twins assured him that the moment her soulmates lips touched her own the curse would be broken... when she'd asked him to kiss her, he'd happily obliged.

Only to be shocked when she'd pulled away in disappointment and frowned before standing up and stalking towards Dean Thomas.

Ron watched in horror as she gently pulled his dorm mates lips to hers, kissing him softly, before frowning and pulling away.

He then realized what would happen if she didn't find her soulmate quickly.

The curse was supposed to make you kiss any person you've ever had a crush on, until you find the one that completes you.

Your other half.

Your soulmate.

Ron had expected to be her soulmate, but now he realizes that wasn't the case...

...and she was likely to kill him when she was released from the curse.

By the time she moved onto her next victim, Lee Jordan, the entire great hall was watching.

Her lips had hardly touched Lee's before she pulled away and made a dissatisfied noise in the back of her throat.

Upon noticing the pink color of her eyes, the hall began muttering of a lust curse.

As her eyes scanned the table, Ron gulped when she locked them on his older brothers and rounded the table to approach them.

The twins weren't expecting for Hermione to launch herself into a kiss with Fred, and not George.

But when she left one half of the Weasley twins throughly snogged and the other staring after her in shock-

-the hall erupted into silent laughs.

After leaving the twins she quickly found her way into the embrace of Ginny Weasley, which caused every male in the room to choke.

From Ginny she set her sights on the Ravenclaw table, stalking over to them quickly and grabbing a seventh year bloke by the back of the neck.

This one made sure to snog her with everything he had in him, but it was no use.

It wasn't him either.

Her only stop at the Hufflepuff table was for the younger brother of Cedric Diggory, Cato.

Cato smiled at her brightly when she pulled away, and then frowned when he realized her eyes had already locked onto something else.

The Slytherin table.

Every occupants of the most noble and ancient house of Slytherin held their breath as she approached Theodore Nott.

Nott, however, had been expecting it and turned to meet her halfway.

He wasn't upset when she stalked past him afterwards and grabbed Blaise Zabini by the front of his robes.

He knew he wasn't her soulmate anyway.

When she walked away from Zabini, the boy was lusting after her with his eyes.

If he didn't like her before that he sure as hell did now.

Her steps never faltered as she approached the older year snakes, her eyes bouncing back and forth between Marcus Flint and Adrian Pucey.

She reaches Marcus first and lightly presses her lips to his, yanking her head back a moment later and pushing him away.

Adrian Pucey holds his breath as her eyes settle on him, but is unsurprised when her lips meet his.

What does catch him by surprise is that she doesn't immediately pull away.

Instead she allows him to deepen the kiss and pull her into his lap.

Across the hall, Ronald Weasley looks ready to pass out, and his older brothers don't look much better.

Her soulmate was a snake...

...and they'd sent her straight into his arms.

A few minutes more snogging is all it takes for the effects of the potion to wear off and leave the hall awaiting the blowup to come.

She removes herself from Pucey's lap, her face scorching red, and moves to march back to the Gryffindor table.

Just before she can slip away, Adrian reaches out and grabs her wrist.

"So, Granger, I'll pick you up at 7 for Hogsmeade tomorrow?"

(Comment and Opinions much appreciated)

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