Hey, Freddie

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1st April, 1999

"Hey, Freddie, I miss you... a lot. Things around here will never be the same without you here. I'm a mess, and Angelina's almost as big of a mess as I am. She loved you, you know that right? Told me so herself... you'd be a smug git about it if you were here. You've been after that bird since third year, but anyways... I just wanted to come talk to you today, it is our twenty first birthday after all. It's hard to believe it's been nearly a year now that you've been gone. There are some things I wanted to talk to you about, things that I could never imagine telling anybody else about, so I guess I'm going to talk and you're going to listen- not that you've got a choice. Ronnie's getting married next month, Lavender Brown of all people. Mum's an emotional wreck about it, she just always thought he'd end up with Hermione- hell, we all did. He made an ass of himself, cheated on her three months into their relationship with Lavender. I hope you don't mind, but I think I'm going to ask Mione to come stay at the flat for a while... she doesn't need to be at the Burrow, right now. Lavender constantly wants to remind her that she's not feminine enough to satisfy a mans tastes, Ginny keeps trying to set her up on blind dates with her Quidditch friends, Mum keeps trying to send her off to Romania with Charlie after the wedding... I just don't think it's what she needs right now. I've already offered her a job at the shop, it seems that even after the War the Ministry can't seem to let go of their prejudice about blood status and they just won't hire her. They don't care she's one of the most qualified people they've ever met for the positions she's been applying for, and I'm bloody well sick of it. I'm going to Mum's after I leave here, I don't fancy the idea of being alone in the flat tonight so I'll just bring her home with me after dinner... Don't start, I already know the jokes you're making and I don't appreciate them. You know it's not like that... yeah, I know I fancied her sixth year but I'm over it. I better get going, I love you Freddie."

1st April, 2000

"Hey, Freddie... we're twenty two today. It's been almost two years without you now and things still aren't getting any easier for me. I still find myself turning to tell you a joke, or ask you for input on a new product I'm inventing. I know I talk to you everyday, Freddy, but mate I need your guidance so much right now it physically pains me. It's about Hermione... stop laughing, I know you are. She's been living with me at the flat for a year now, and she honestly makes not having you around even remotely bearable. She's still working at the shop, even helped me invent some new products. Hermione isn't what I thought she'd be when she moved in, nothing at all what I imagined. She's taken to finishing my sentences for me if I leave them off, mate she most always knows what I'm thinking. I'm more in tune with her than any bird I've ever known, it's just something about her. I think I'm starting to fall for her if I'm honest, and it terrifies me. Freddie, I'm not whole enough for her. I'm a broken man, a kind of broken that can never be repaired. I can't even bring myself to love me, how can I expect her to? How can I expect her to want something so utterly damaged? Mate, I need you. I need you to tell me what to do, because for the first time in my life I don't know. I'm afraid if I don't tell her soon she'll meet somebody and leave... I couldn't take it if she left me too. That'd be the final blow, you know? She stepped in and rescued me from myself when I was drowning. It is because of her and her alone that I didn't drink myself to death, that I didn't try and follow after you. She's been keeping me grounded, keeping me here. I can't even look at myself in the mirror most days, because Freddie I don't see myself. I see you... hush, I know that's the point of being identical. I'd give absolutely anything to have you back, but it doesn't work that way and I'm going to have to learn that life goes on if I'm ready for it to or not. I love you, Freddie... I'm going to go get the girl."

1st April, 2001

"Hey, Freddie, I hope you're proud of me. I'm getting married in June, I got the girl... and as sappy as I know this'll sound, I don't plan on letting her go. Things for me aren't any easier without you, they never will be, but she's stuck by me throughout everything these last few years. Hermione Granger makes me want to live, to be better. I slipped up the other night, got to looking through some of our old pictures and ended up drinking myself into a right mess. She found me nearly passed out, drunker than I've ever been before- it's a miracle I didn't have alcohol poisoning honestly- and she took care of me. She sobered me up with a few potions, then held me while I broke down. I cried for hours, and she just held me... she kept reminding me that it wasn't my fault, that you wouldn't want me to blame myself for what happened. To tell you the truth, I've always blamed myself for your death. If I'd have argued about us splitting up, if I'd insisted on going with you like I should've, then you might still be here... that or I'd be gone too. The point I'm trying to make, Freddie, is that losing you shattered me into a million pieces. She's putting those bits back together best she can, but there will always be that one missing shard that will keep me from truly being whole again. I'll always be a bit damaged, I've come to accept that, but with her around I won't be shattered... chipped and cracked, definitely- there's nothing that can be done for that. I love you, Freddie, more than anything else- and I miss you everyday so much it hurts. I've decided to have Lee stand in for you as best man at my wedding, I hope you don't mind. He's the only other person I could bring myself to ask, he misses you almost as much as I do. Don't be mad at him, but he's been seeing Angelina recently. She's happy with him, Fred, happier than I've seen her in years. She's finally started coming round the shop again, she and Hermione are actually quite close now. I've got to go, Family Dinner and all... happy twenty third, mate. I love you."

1st April, 2002

"Hey, Freddie, mate I wish you were here to meet him. He's perfect, not quite a month old yet. She had him the thirteenth of March, your first Nephew. We've even named him after you, Fredrick Gideon Weasley the 2nd. Having a newborn is exhausting, I don't think I've ever been this tired in my life. Hermione's drained too, but neither of us would change it for a moment. All the sleepless nights and early morning wake up calls are so much more than worth it. This baby, my son, has made me happier than I've been since you left. He looks so much like we did as babies, Mum's even given us all your old baby stuff she had in the attic. Little bugger won't swaddle in anything but your blanket without taking a screaming fit. Without you here I didn't have very many options for his godfather, so I asked Lee... He and Angelina are getting hitched the end of next month. She's happier with him than I think anybody but you could've made her. They've been by the flat every day since the baby was born, Mione made her his godmother. Mum's absolutely basking in the glow of having her second grandchild, Bill and Fleur's little girl is just about two now. You'd love her, she adores the shop- Mione and I have had her over to stay the night a few times a month since we found out Mione was pregnant last July. Nothing quite like hands on experience- don't make that joke you randy prick, I know you're thinking it. On a more serious note, it's our twenty fourth birthday today- and the first I've had in four years with a Fred Weasley with me. I've held him all morning, would hardly let Mione touch him. In a way it's helping me cope, having him here. In the moments when the darkness starts to creep in on me and I don't know if I'll be alright anymore thinking about him, and Hermione, pulls me back from the abyss and makes me realize there are things worth living for. You once told me that some things were worth fighting for Fred, and ever since you left I've struggled with fighting to live- but I've finally found my reasons. Things will never be the same without you, but they don't have to be completely miserable. I love you, always."

1st April, 2014

"Hey, Freddie, he's a Gryffindor. According to Nev the hat didn't even touch his head before sorting him with the lions. Mione's pregnant again, due here in a few months... we've been discussing, debating more like, baby names since we found out and we've finally come up with one- I think it's only fair you're the first to know. We're going to call her Rose, Rose Ginevra Weasley. One of Mione's friends from work is pregnant too, Astoria Malfoy, and the two of them are insistent the babies will be the best of friends when they get older. Angelina and Lee are still childless, much to their absolute delight- they're perfectly content playing Auntie Ange and Uncle Lee according to them. Godric, what has this woman done to me? It's our thirty eighth birthday and I'm here blabbing your ear off about children of all things. I still miss you Freddie, a lot more than you'll ever know. When you died I think a part of me died with you... I still can't step foot inside Hogwarts without seeing you laying in the great hall, I had a panic attack at the victory ball last year when I accidentally stumbled into that corridor. I'm still a mess, I'll always be a mess, without you. It's hard to think that in two years I'll have spent just as much time alive without you that I did with you. Some days it's harder, the holidays especially... last Christmas Mum accidentally calling me Fred. The two of us cried for an hour and a half in the kitchen before we could finally collect ourselves enough to continue on with the day. Fuck, Fred, I'd give anything to be able to see you one last time. To tell you I love you, to hug you. I promise you, Fred, you didn't die for nothing. It is because of the sacrifices made that day that muggle borns no longer cower in fear for something they couldn't help. You may have died that day, Fred, but your memory lives on in the hearts of those who loved you. I still see you in everything, but most of all I see you in my son. He looks and acts just like you, if not for the whole being dead thing I'd think you were sleeping with my wife when Fred the 2nd was conceived. I've gotta get going, Hermione's supposedly got something planned for tonight. I love you."

1st April, 2133

"Hey, Freddie... I think I'll be seeing you soon. Tell Hermione I said I love her, it's been almost two months since she left me. Hard to believe I'm one hundred and fifty five today, I outlived them all: Mum, Dad, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ron, Ginny, Harry, Lee, Angelina, Hermione... I'm all alone here now, well, not really. Fred Jr and Rosie are still here, though they don't get to visit often. I'm so tired Freddy, and part of me just wants to go to sleep right now... but another part of me knows it's not the kind of tired I think it is. If I close my eyes now, they'll not open again, I'm sure of it. I can feel you, so I know you're here. It's like a warm feeling settling around me, letting me know I'm safe. That it's okay for me to let go... I terribly want to, Freddie. I want to be with you all again. With Hermione, with Mum and Dad, but most of all I want to be with you again- to be whole again..."

"Close your eyes, Georgie, it's time."

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