Coming Out (Linny)

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Ginny POV:

I see a bludger being hit my way by one of Ravenclaws beaters, so I quickly dodge the bludger and continue driving towards the goals, quaffle in hand. I quickly shoot the quaffle into the goal making the score an even 150 - 150. I steal a glance over into the Ravenclaw stands and see Luna Lovegood grinning up at me, Luna distracts me so much I miss the quaffle and Ravenclaws chaser gets possession. The only two people who know about Luna and I are Harry and Neville, and they only know because we are using them as cover ups so no one finds out... Speaking of Harry, what the bloody hell is he doing? Picking daisies? The damn snitch is right above his head! "HARRY!" I scream at him, successfully pulling him out of whatever kind of wet dream he was having about Malfoy, and kicking his ass into gear. Harry quickly shoots his hand up and grabs the snitch... "GRYFFINDOR WINS" Lee Jordan yells excitedly into the intercom. 

Without thinking I fly down to were Luna is sitting and reach my hand out to her. She accepts my hand and I pull her up onto my broom, I fly out into the middle of the pitch, and turn to look at her... My mind is racing, trying to decide if it's time to just get this over with... Fuck it. I turn on my broom, and capture Luna's lips with my own... The once loud pitch all of a sudden goes silent for all of five seconds before the sound of Lee, Fred, and Georges wolf-whistles and applause fills my ears, causing me to grin into Luna and I's kiss. I pull away from Luna, cup my hands around my mouth, and yell "THIS IS MY GIRLFRIEND, ANYONE WHO MAKES FUN OF HER WILL FACE THE WRATH OF WEASLEY! OKAY, THAT WILL BE ALL FOLKS! GO ON TO DINNER!" I quickly fly down to the ground and get of my broom, keeping an arm around Luna the entire time. As soon as I land my brothers, Harry, Neville, Hermione, and Lee Jordan all come rushing across the pitch shouting congratulations at us. 

Ron looks Hermione over and asks her if she would like to come on out too, because she looks rather gay to him. Hermione responds by grabbing Fred by the collar if his shirt, pulling him down roughly so he was her height, and kissing him. This exchange draws another round of wolf-whistles from George and Lee... When Hermione lets Fred go, she shoots Ron an up yours hand gesture, before walking off with Fred quickly chasing after her demanding to know what the hell that was and if she would go on a date with him. "They would make a cute couple." Luna says in her dreamy voice, causing me to grin from ear to ear and inform her, "They may be cute together, but they will never be you and I cute together." Everyone laughs out loud and we are all caught up talking about Luna and I that no one notices Lee snog George and run away quickly, we all however do notice George say "Well, Sis... You might not be the only gay Weasley... LEE! WAIT UP!"  and run off... I really don't care about my brothers right now though... I care that I came out and now I can kiss my girlfriend in public. Speaking off kissing her in public... I've gotta go... 

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