His Mate (Young Remus LupinxHermione Granger)

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When he'd met her his fourth year, he knew right away that she was his mate...

...it didn't matter to him if she'd appeared out of literal thin air.

She was his Mate.

The moment he laid eyes on her his wolf made its feelings known.

He'd gone from sweet and shy book worm to possessive alpha male in a matter of seconds.


She was his Mate, so it was to be expected.

She'd settled into life at Hogwarts quickly;

Sorted into Gryffindor within an hour of materializing in the seventh flood corridor.

Within two hours of her arrival he'd cornered her and told her everything...

...she wasn't afraid of him in the slightest.

She accepted the fact he'd presented her with.

She was his Mate.

As time went on, he began to notice things about her.

The way she looked at James as if she'd known him her whole life.

The way she flinched when looking Lily in the eyes.

The way she nearly cried every time Sirius called her Kitten.

But most importantly,

He noticed the unease that settled within her when Peter was around.

It started off as glances filled with fear and nervousness...

...but then it evolved into openly glaring with enough rage to burn the bloody castle down.

He never asked her about it,

But he began watching Peter...

...and it didn't take long for him to realize the object of her unease.

Peter was branded.

The mark upon his left arm pledging his allegiance to those who opposed the Light.

Somehow she knew of Peters intentions the moment she laid eyes upon him...

...but he never questioned it.

She was his Mate, and she was right.

He'd cornered Peter, alongside James and Sirius, within two months of her arrival.

Four of them walked freely into that conversation.

Three walked away freely, safely.

One left in the custody of Aurors.

She was his Mate, and she'd saved them all.

The closer it drew to graduation, the more she accomplished.

She convinced Regulus to run away.

She cornered Snape and convinced him to apologize to Lily.

She talked Gideon and Fabian Prewett into waiting a year to join the Order.

She convinced Alice and Frank that staying at Longbottom Manor was a good idea.

She even managed to convince Sirius to propose to Marlene.

He was proud of all she did, because she was his Mate.

In the years following their Graduation, she kept surprising him.

She joined the Order and helped Alstor Moody take over for Dumbledore.

Though he didn't understand why she didn't want Dumbledore in charge...

...he didn't question her motives.

In fact, he asked her to move in with him.

She was his Mate, and she had a way of knowing things.

He watched her go on her first mission, alongside the Prewett brothers.

He watched as she held Lily and James's newborn son,


He helped her take on the responsibility of young Draco Malfoy...

...After his parents were both sentenced to life in Azkaban.

Together the learned to thrive in any circumstance.

She was his Mate, and she was in it for the long haul.

It was not until they discovered her to be pregnant did she tell him the truth.

She was from the future, a very different one from the world she'd helped create.

In her timeline, most everybody was dead.

James and Lily.

Gideon and Fabian.



And even those alive weren't truly alive.

Alice and Frank had been tortured into madness.

Sirius thrown in Azkaban.

Snape a member of the Death Eaters.

She was from the future, an awful future, and she'd come back to change that.

But to him?

It didn't matter.

She was his Mate, no matter the timeline she was from.

When their daughter was born, they named her Deva. 

Deva Rose Lupin.

She was perfect, just like his Mate.

Nine years after the birth of their daughter,

They stood on platform 9 3/4 to see their adopted son off.

Draco Malfoy-Lupin was sorted into Gryffindor...

...alongside his best friends:

Harry Potter.

Nova Black.

Ronald Weasley. 

And both sets of the Prewett twins,

Godric & Felix Prewett.


Genevieve and Faye Prewett.

He couldn't have been prouder of his son.

And he couldn't help but notice the relief that sparked in his Mates eyes. 

She'd changed the future, as she'd set out to do...

...but she was his Mate, which just happened to be a lucky coincidence...

...or so she claimed...

For, he was her Mate too...

...and she wouldn't have it any other way.

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