Do You See Them Too? (Oliver and Percy)

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Oliver POV:

Dear Percy;

Sitting on a roof last night, I watched a star shoot across the sky and I couldn't help but think of our first date... Sitting on top of Gryffindor tower back in fifth year. You'd always had a stick up your arse, but I had convinced you to go with me simply to watch a meteor shower. It was the night I knew if nothing else, I loved your eyes and the way they looked in the moon light. It's hard to believe you're gone, Perce. I told you not to do it, but you didn't listen to me... You're the reason Fred's alive, and George and he will always remember you for that, but, I almost wish you'd not saved him. If it meant you'd be here next to me, as selfish as it sounds, I'd trade anyone to get you back. Sitting here on the roof of your Mum's house, I'm staring at the moon and gazing at the stars; I wonder if you can see them too... I guess I'll find out soon enough. All of these stars will guide me home, will guide me back to you.

Hermione caught me re-opening the scars, and giving myself new ones, and she's been trying to get me admitted to a muggle hospital; Says I need to be under suicide watch until they can figure out what's wrong with me. I don't think I've got the heart to tell them that I'll never be happy if I can't be with you... It's the down side to you wanting us to be a secret. I loved you with all of my heart, Percy Weasley, and I know you'll never really know that until we meet again. I never told you, but I hope you knew... every touch, every kiss, every smile, every little thing I did was my way of showing you. I was a quidditch player, I wasn't good at expressing the way I felt through words; but I sure as hell could show it through my actions. Sneaking out with you at school, and sneaking over in the summers was a thrill I can only compare to being on a broom, and I'd give anything to have that feeling back. Nothing's the same without you, and it never will be the same again... especially not after I'm gone too. I hope they understand;

I'm on my way,

Love Oliver.

With a final look at my tear stained letter, I lift myself off the roof and to my feet; making my way back inside the borrow and into Percy's old room. It still smells like him in here and I know that this is the place I want to spend my final few minutes on earth. I've already written letters to anyone important to me: my parents, the twins, Lee Jordan, Hermione Weasley née Granger, and finally Percy... the letter to Percy is so people know the truth. Hermione thinks I'm crazy, ever since she walked in on me cutting my scars back open from the war and just watching the blood run down from them and onto the floor... she's actually a little right; I'm probably a little crazy. She wouldn't understand though, she married the man that the love of my life died saving two days after the war. They'd eloped and not told anyone until the next day, to say Molly almost killed them is an understatement. She was infuriated, Ron was worse than she was... but by now everyone's gotten over it. Love isn't planned or predicted, it just happens.

The ministry is trying to force us all to marry and replenish the population; and they've given my hand to Luna Lovegood... but I just can't. I won't. It's not who I am, and I won't force it to be. My patronus is a swan for a reason... they mate for life. Percy was the only one for me, and no matter that laws are passed, I will not betray his memory like that. Gathering all the Gryffindor courage I have, I aim my wand at my chest.... "Avada Kedavra."

When my eyes adjust to the new light, I find myself looking at my body. It worked... "Oliver, you stupid, idiotic, man!" A voice, his voice, calls out from behind me. "Perce!" My voice comes out loud and full of relief. "What were you thinking? How could you do that to yourself? Hermione was trying so hard to get you admitted and get you help; but, no, you go and kill yourself and for what? To be with me? You had a future, you didn't have to join me in death... I was always with you." His voice is heated and angry at first, but soft and almost understanding as he finishes yelling at me.

"Now that I'm here, I've got a question..."

"I could see them too, Oliver."

(Sorry It's short!)

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