Ravenclaw Tower Romance (Hugo Weasley & Daisy Dursley)

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When my fist Hogwarts letter arrived six years ago, my Daddy had promptly fainted and Mummy and I had to calmly wait for Daddy to come around before he told us of cousin Harry and his affiliation with the Magical world. That same night Daddy and I had taken a trip to London- to an address the woman who'd delivered my letter had left us. When Daddy had knocked on the door, he nearly jumped back in shock when a tall, handsome, boy with blue hair answered. "May I help you?" The boy had asked, his hair changing from blue to pink as he talked. "Tell Harry that Dudley needs to speak with him, Now." We sat out on the porch no longer than a minuet before cousin Harry exited the house, an unreadable expression as he looked from me to Daddy. "Harry, this is Daisy- She's like you and... Aunt Lily." After he'd gotten over the shock of my Daddy having a magical child he had invited us into the house to meet his family and friends- which is how I met my very first friend... and maybe first crush... Hugo Weasley, who happened to be in my year at school.

Hugo and I were both sorted into Ravenclaw, much to his parents shock and Uncle Harry's amusement. Ever since we met, Hugo and I have been inseparable; My Mum teases me about him every time I'm home and Daddy looks as if he'd rather eat glass than think of Hugo and I as anything more than friends. The six years I've spent at Hogwarts have brought me nothing but happiness- even though Grandpa Vernon and Grandmum Petunia practically disowned me the moment they found out... which led to Daddy cutting off all contact with his parents. Tonight my sister, Poppy, and I are preparing for the Halloween ball; She'd been asked by one of the Scamander twins- the one in her house... Lysander I believe, I think he is the Hufflepuff of the Scamander twins. As I'm applying Poppy's makeup she begins asking me questions about Hugo, he'd asked me to the ball a week ago and I'd excitedly told him yes. "Do you think he'll finally ask you out?! Lysander told me that Lorcan is going to ask out Lilly tonight!" I roll my eyes at my sisters over excitement for her friends- it's just a bloody dance.

"No, I don't think Hugo is going to ask me out tonight. He asked me as friends, nothing more." She frowns at me and rolls her eyes, she's always wanted Hugo and I to get together simply because she thinks it's our fate. "Did you get wind of who Aster and Heath are taking?" I change the topic of conversation and direct Poppy's mind in the direction of our younger brothers: Heath, the fourth year Gryffindor, and Aster, the fourth year Slytherin. "No! Who'd they ask?!" "A little Slytherin names Albus said he overheard Heath and Aster ask Scarlett and Venus Wood to the ball." Poppy nearly jumps out of her seat in excitement, "The Wood twins?! Who asked who? Are they going Gryffindors with Gryffindors and Slytherins with Slytherins or are they mixing it up?!?" "Heath asked Venus and Aster asked Scarlett- so it'll be a snake and lion mashup." "I heard Cedric Wood was going with Rose Weasley." I raise my eyebrows at this little bit of information- Cedric Wood has a reputation a mile long proceeding him, and Rose? Well Rose is coming off a nasty breakup with Scorpius Malfoy, who cheated on her with Albus of all people.

After Poppy and I finish getting ready, we snap a quick photo to send home to Daddy and Mummy before we head downstairs to find our dates. "Look! There's Lysander! I'll see you later, Daisy!" As soon as Poppy spots her Scamander she's racing from my side to get to her boyfriend. Taking a look around the room I quickly spot Hugo- standing in the middle of a group of his cousins. Great. Taking a deep breath I head towards him, my face lighting up when I hear him laugh at something Albus says. It's not until Kobe Nott wolf whistles at me does Hugo notice me, and his eyes widen to the size of galleons when he takes in my full appearance. "Bloody hell, Daisy! You look beautiful!" He shouts, blushing when Albus laughs at his excitement. "Al, Don't laugh at him. Hugo scored the best looking bird at the ball." Scorpius says, winking at me. "Hugo, would you like to dance?" I ask, sneering at Scorpius... Rose and I are very close friends, and I don't like the way he treated her. Not in the slightest- I'd like to hit him but I think Mum would frown upon that.

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