Mistletoe (Fremione)

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Hermione POV:

Today is Christmas! My favorite holiday to spend at Hogwarts! I quickly toss on the first shirt I can find (Which happens to be one of Harrys Jumpers), and run down to the common room. "Harry! Ron!" I yell when I notice my two best friends sitting on the couch by the fire. "Hey, Mione!" Harry waves at me before turning back to the chess game between he and Ron. After being ignored by the two of them for around three hours I stand up and exit the common room. I start walking towards the great hall, trying to find some other friends to spend today with because clearly Harry and Ronald cant be bothered. I get about a third of the way to the great hall when I hear an explosion from what looks to be an empty class room. I walk across the hallway, push the door open to the class room, and walk inside... only to be greeted by one red head laughing at another ginger headed boy who now has Slytherin green skin. "What are you two doing?" I ask trying not to laugh at the twins. 

"Granger! Make Fred stop laughing at me! It's his fault I'm green!" George exclaims looking a tad angry. "It is not! You're the one who wanted to test the product!" Fred informs George while still laughing. "Whatever. See ya later, Granger!" George says pushing past me, and quickly exiting the classroom, slamming the door on his way out. "Well, Fred... What exactly were you two testing?" I ask Fred, still giggling. "We haven't named it yet! It's only supposed to turn a persons hair their least favorite color... But apparently it changes your skin instead of your hair." He explains to me, casually leaning back against the desk behind him. "The two of you should probably ask Lee for some help with it... He's really good at Charms." I tell him, as I turn to leave the class room. "Oi! Wait on me!" Fred exclaims running after me. We exit the classroom together but can only walk about eight steps before we are tossed back by an invisible wall. I look up and see the reason we were trapped... Magical mistletoe... Great.

"It looks like George is getting the both of us back for laughing at him." I say turning to Fred, who has still yet to notice the mistletoe. "What do you... Oh! Is that mistletoe?" he questions like an idiot. "What else would it be?" I sarcastically question him. "No need to get snappy, Granger." he says with his perfect little smirk playing his lips. "Shut it. How can we get out of here?" "I suppose we could kiss..." Fred says smirking like a mad man. "Or... You could get us out of here because you invented the mistletoe." "Yes, While I did invent this specif kind of mistletoe, I can not get us out of it. It was designed to only grow when soul mates pass under it.... Wait..." as he is explaining how the mistletoe works he lets it slip that is only sprouts for soul mates. I can't stop the blush that begins to form on my cheeks. I have had a crush on Fred since third year, but for us to be soul mates? It's nearly impossible. 

I look up to meet Freds eyes, and find him already looking at me. Slowly we begin to lean in, until after what seem like forever our lips meet. What starts as a soft and slow kiss, soon turns into a very heated and hungry kiss. I reach up and tangle my fingers into his messy red hair, while one of his hand cups my face and the other hand is resting on my arse. We continue to kiss for what seems like forever until we hear four noises that stop us in our tracks... two gasps, and two sets of laughter. We quickly pull apart and look over in the direction of the noises, only to find a red in the face Ron, a shocked Harry, a cackling Lee Jordan, and George laughing his green arse off.  I feel my cheeks heating up from embarrassment, so I turn and hide my face in Freds chest. "Oi! Freddy! I didn't know you had it in you! It's about time, you've done nothing but talk about her for about a year!" George says happily, to which Fred responds with a "Piss off. We were in the middle of something!" "We were just leaving!" Harry quickly says dragging the other three boys off with him. "Now, where were we?" Fred questions guiding my lips back up to meet his again... after a while we pull apart for air and Fred asks me "So, Granger... Are you free tomorrow? Because, If you are I would love to take you out..." "I would love to go on a date with you tomorrow... Now, Kiss me." I tell him sternly, to which he replies "Yes, mam." and for the third time in an hour I find myself locking lips with Fred Weasley... Merry Christmas to me! 

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