Am I? I am. (Oliver x Percy)

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Percy POV:

Oliver Wood needs to stop. All week he has been following me around saying rather lewd 'pick up' lines to me. If he's not careful someone might think he's queer. Speak of the devil, "Oi! Weasley!" Oliver yells at me from the other side of the quidditch pitch. With a rather loud groan I yell, "Sod off, Wood!" and turn to walk back to the castle. "But, Weasley! Your lips look lonely, Would they like to meet mine?" Wood yells chasing after me. I ignore his next few attempts at what I'm going to assume is teasing me, which include, "Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you I smile.", "They say kissing is the language of love, Wanna have a conversation?", "Are you a spy? Because I think you'd perform well undercovers.", "You work at a post office? Cause I saw you checking out my package.", and the most annoying one of all "Baby, I'm a firefighter... I find them hot and leave them wet."

"WOOD! SOD OFF!" I scream as I spin to face him... He's quite a bit closer than I expected... "What if I don't want to, Weasley?" he questions with a grin that can only be described as heart breaking. "Then I will be forced to give you a detention." I growl at him lowly. I watch the look on Woods face change from one of a playful nature to one that I personally (if I didn't know any better) would describe as lust. Wood lets out a low growl as he uses his broom to push and pin me to the castle wall. "Well, if you give me detention that would be fine... although I would much rather you punish me in our dorm..." Woo- Oliver whispers in my ear before lowering his lips to my neck. I suck in a sharp breath at the feeling I'm getting from him licking and sucking on my neck... I'm not gay! What am I doing?!?!? I try to push myself off the wall but instead only end up pushing my hips up and grinding them into Olivers. 

"Wood... What a-a-a-re yo-o-o-u doing-g-g?" I say breathlessly as Oliver continues his assault on my neck. "What I've been trying to do for about two years now." he whispers against my skin, blowing his cool breath onto my now wet skin. "You-u-u... You aren't queer." I say in a confident voice. "Weasley, what I'm doing now kinda contradicts that statement." Oliver says to me, not taking his head out of my neck. "Let me rephrase. I'm not gay, Wood." I say a bit less confident. Oliver's hand suddenly grabs me below the belt (if you catch my drift) and he smirks before saying "This hard-on disagrees... Come on Weasley, just give in." I close my eyes as Oliver begins to leave open mouth kisses up my neck leading towards my lips. When he stops just before he reaches my lips, a noise of protest escapes my throat. I hear a deep chuckle, and I open my eyes. "Weasley, Do you want me to continue?" Wood asks... He's so close to me that I can feel his lips ghost my lips as he speaks. I'm not gay. Am I? I'm gay. Before Oliver can say anything else I close the gap in-between our lips... I'm gay! Holy hell... I Percy Weasley am gay... 

Ameortentia - Collection of One-shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ