Misfit (Scorlily)

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Lily Potter;
It's official, I'm trying to give my Dad and Uncle Ron a heart attack... sure Rosie had caused quite a riot when she'd gone off and bonded her soul to the Scamander twins without so much as a note... and sure James and little Kayne Finnigan-Thomas had caused a small riot when Hugo walked in on James with his hand down Kanye's trousers... and, yeah, Albus and his new girlfriend, Nevaeh Flint-Parkinson had nearly caused Dad to have an aneurysm- but nothing will top the level of betrayal my family is about to experience from me. Of all the bloody boys at hogwarts to fall in love with I just had to pick Scorpius bloody Malfoy... I'm a Potter for Merlin's sake. Our families have a long history of hating each other- and Dad already doesn't like that Albus and Scorp are best friends, so I don't want to even begin to think about what'll happen when he learns his only daughter has been snogging the Malfoy boy for the last five months. "You know what, Lils- I think you might just cause uncle Harry to beat Dads record for most swears used in a single sentence."

"Rose, you're not helping- besides, you're married now. I don't know why you're still sitting with the kids side of the table at family dinners." I sneer, maybe Scorp is rubbing off on me a bit too much. "My dear cousin, I'm not married... legally. You see when Lor, Ly, and I bonded our souls it was using a thousand year old bonding spell that's frowned upon by the ministry- so while my last name may show up as Scamander on the family tapestry, it's still Weasley-Granger according to the Ministry." I roll my eyes at my older cousin and snort when she shoots me a wink. Rose and her... boyfriends? Husbands?... whatever the bloody Scamander twins are to her, had walked in on Scorp and I playing what Rose describes as tonsil hockey in Albus's room three weeks ago and she's yet to let me live it down. "It'd be a shame for Uncle Harry to find out... he'd actually flip his lid and go insane." I groan when I realize Rose isn't going to let up anytime soon and decide to shovel another spoonful of Grandmum Molly's potatoes into my mouth instead of respond.

"Leave Lily alone, Rosie- It'd be a shame if Uncle Ron found out about what I walked in on in the broom closet at school last year... I do believe it involved a half nude Gryffindor girl and two extremely handsy Hufflepuff boys." Rose blushes crimson at James's words and decides not to push her luck. "Lily, I think you should come clean and tell Dad- what's the worst that could happen?" Albus whispers to me, his eyes narrowing on Rose when he sees Lorcan's hand disappearing under the table and Lysander's already gone. As I go to respond to Al, Rose jumps and her knees bang the underside of the table- her cheeks as red as her hair, and her boyfriends shoot each other triumphant smirks over her head. "Well, I don't know how bad it'll be right now because Aunt Mione and Uncle Ron are looking at Rose like she's grown another head- but Dad would kill me." "Lily, either you tell Dad or I will." Albus, finally having enough of my shite, snaps at me- his eyes locking with mine heatedly. "Fucking fine. If I die at the age of sixteen I'll never forgive you."

I wait until everyone's outside for our weekly game of quidditch before I decide to tell Mum and Dad, hoping to rip the bandage off quickly. "Daddy, Mummy can I talk to you?" "After the game, Lils." I groan and move to sit on the grass next to Scorp, seeing as he was the only person not playing other than myself, when I'm suddenly struck with an idea. Turning to Scorp I grab him by the front of his jumper and drag him towards me until I can connect our lips. It takes a while before one of my family members spots the two of us- and I wish it'd been anyone but Teddy. "Oi! Malfoy! Get your paws off my sister!" Teddy shouts, the rest of my family turning to see what he's on about. A string of curse words can be heard spewing from Dad and Uncle Ron while Aunt Mione and Mum are cracking up at the sight of us. "What'd I tell the two of you? It was bound to happen- with all the stalking Harry and Draco did to each other at school. This is karma at its finest." Aunt Mione laughs at Dads reddening cheeks.

Once I realize my family would actually accept my relationship I turn to Scorp and tackle him into the grass, snogging him like my life depends on it- oblivious to the gagging noises my observing cousins were making. Pulling apart Scorp laughs at my red cheeks and says "Well one half done- now all we've gotta do is give my Dad and Grandmum a heart attack- Dad did always have a crush on your Aunt Hermione, and Grandmum swears he had it bad for your Dad too... so that'll be interesting."  I laugh at Scorp and lean in for another kiss, now aware the the eyes of my family members weren't only on me- but now looking for three somebody's that had disappeared off together in the chaos I'd caused. "Oi! Where's Rose and those bloody handsy Hufflepuffs!?" Glancing towards the Orchard I see a head full of thick red curls pulling two heads of platinum blonde hair deep into the apple trees, her victims all to willing. "Don't know, Uncle Ron. Haven't seen them since dinner." I lie with a smile at my Uncle as I run my fingers through Scorps hair, my boyfriend laughing slightly at my lie- he'd seen them too.

"Bloody hell."


Lorcan, Lysander, and Rose ^

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Lorcan, Lysander, and Rose ^

Lorcan, Lysander, and Rose ^

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Albus and Nevaeh ^

James and Kayne (Kayne's adopted) ^

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James and Kayne (Kayne's adopted) ^

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