Teach Me

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It all started with an argument and two little words.

Two words Hermione Granger had angrily shouted in a fit of rage at George Weasley.

The argument had all started over something that shouldn't have even mattered.

She'd purchased a charm from the shop.

It was a known fact to those in the Weasley family that she'd not had a love interest since Ron had left her for his ex girlfriend.

So when she'd purchased a romantic daydream charm, George had grown curious.

He cornered her just before she could exit the shop and began interrogating her.

Demanding to know why she'd buy a charm instead of putting herself out there and finding the real deal.

She'd grown angry and nearly slapped him.

She knew he meant well, so she told him she didn't know where to even begin looking.


...George made a very grave mistake.

He'd laughed in her face.

She'd lost her calm after than and shouted at him, her words getting jumbled up at the end of her rant.

In confusion he'd asked her to run that by him again, because she couldn't have actually said what he'd thought she'd said...

"Teach me."

She repeated the last two little words of her rant, her eyes burning a hole into his tall frame.

His eyes had widened, and he froze.

Endless possibilities of what she meant running through his head.

She'd taken his silence as a bad sign, and tried to side step him to leave...

...only to be tossed over his shoulder and rushed up the stairs into his and Fred's flat.

He'd carried her straight to his bedroom and slammed the door behind him before dropping her on his bed.

"Again." He said, looking at her heatedly.

"Teach me." She gritted out, frustrated by his man handling of her.

It took all of two seconds for George Weasley to leap onto his bed after her and pin her arms above her head.

"Again, Granger."

"Teach me." She'd managed out breathlessly, she'd not been this close to a man in nearly a year.

Without so much as a thought, He'd crashed his lips down onto hers.

She was on cloud nine as her ex boyfriends older brother snogged her like his life depended on it...

...and couldn't stop the noise of disappointment when he pulled back and rested his forehead on hers.


"Teach me." She whispered as his hands snaked under her shirt to caress her sides softly.

He leaned down and captured her lips once more softly before pulling back and looking her in the eyes.

"Yeah, Granger, I can teach you... but I won't do it for free."

She'd been confused and offended until he elaborated what he meant.

"You see, once I start teaching you- you're mine. From that point on, mine and mine alone."

The next two words out of her mouth shocked both of them.

"Teach me."

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