Gryffindor at Heart (Blaise Zabini × Hermione Granger)

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Hermione POV:

All around me I can feel the air cackling with electricity; Hex's, Curse's, Jinx's, and Unforgivable's had that affect on the world around them. Hogwarts was no longer a safe haven, but a battlefield. People are dropping left and right, Colin Creevy was just removed from the frontlines... Dead. I've not seen any of the Weasleys, but, I've also not seen him. I know he has good inside of him, I saw it at Malfoy manor when he was sending healing spells my way silently as that bloody Bitch was torturing me. He wasn't a bad kid, he was just pulled into a war that wasn't his to fight. Blaise Zabini was not a killer by choice, no, he was a killer brainwashed by his parents. I knew in his heart he wasn't a cold blooded monster, his attempt at helping me told me that... But I also knew that attempt at saving my life was him crying out for help. He wouldn't have done it had he not truly been desperate. He couldn't care less about blood purity, he cared about surviving... And right now it was survival of the fittest.

When I spotted him, he had his wand trained on the only boy I'd ever loved; Fred Weasley. "BLAISE! STOP!" I yell out, causing Zabini to stiffen, and Fred to become aware of the threat that had been sneaking up on him. "You don't have to do this." I say to him when I reach him, my hand darting out to grab for his wand arm. "You dont understand, Granger, I have to do what he says to survive this. I don't care about your safety, or Weasleys, or Potters, or Malfoys for that matter... I don't want to die." Blaise manages to choke out, his voice strained and hoarse. "Zabini, Listen to me, you don't have to kill Fred to accomplish staying alive... Why would you want to kill a man who's done nothing but bring joy into this depression? A man who saved your arse fifteen minutes into the battle because I told him you weren't to be harmed. You aren't a monster, Blaise Zabini, so stop trying to act like one." I growl out at him as I move to put myself between his wand and Fred... I could do with my own death, but, I wouldn't put George through Fred's.

Blaise doesn't get a chance to respond before Bellatrix Lestrange is at his side, whispering in his ear. I can only hear bits and pieces of it... But I didn't like what I was hearing. "Do it, Blaise... Kill the mudblood and the blood traitor... Scum under your shoe... Better than them... They are below you." I hear her whisper, and by the way I feel Fred tense behind me, he can hear her too. I see Blaise actually consider it, and my body goes ridged... He wouldn't, I wouldn't let him. Thinking quickly I use a shard of glass stuck in my jacket to cut my arm, dark red blood begins to flow from the bend of my elbow down to my wrist before dripping onto the floor. "Does my blood look dirty to you, Zabini?" I spat at him, feeling Fred begin to shake with anger from behind me... He hates when I cut myself. Blaises eyes widen at my actions, but when he sees the dark red liquid dripping from my arm he gasps... He truly though my blood would be dirty... That's disappointing really. "My blood is as dirty as yours, or Fred's is." I growl at him, narrowing my eyes at Bellatrix.

"Enough. Kill them, Blaise." Bellatrix snaps at us, using her free hand to point Bliases wand above my head and at Fred. "I can't." Blaise says before running off back into battle, I see him stop beside Oliver Wood and begin throwing curses at Crabbe. I don't have time to celebrate his awakening before Bellatrix casts a curse at the wall behind Fred and I, and the air around us seems to expload. The next thing I know I can feel the weight of the stone wall pressing down on me. I know my lungs are punctured, and I know I don't have long. I also know, Fred's already dead, he tossed himself on top of me and he died on impact. I use the last bit of energy I have left to look up at Blaise and Oliver, each of which have stopped dueling to look at Fred and I in horror. I see Blaise let out a roar of anger and begin fireing curses at Bellatrix, and I see a curse hit her from behind as well, the curse from behind killing her. Then everything goes black.

When I was finally able to see again, I see Fred standing beside me looking down at George, his mouth agape. "George... He killed Bellatrix. She turned her wand on Ginny, and he killed her...." Fred explains as he points down to a George sobbing clutching Freds body in one arm, his other slung around Ginny. "They haven't spotted me yet." Is all I say as I reach over and take his hand, watching as Voldy calls for a ceasefire. I watch as Percy and George pull Fred from the rubble, then I hear Ginny let out a scream when she sees me, the first of them all to realize I would no longer be able to help win this war. I watch as they lay Fred and I side by side on the floor, our hands clasped tightly to each other. I watch as Harry and Ron enter the hall and see my body next to Fred's, I can see the pain in Ron's eyes and the tears threatening to spill out of Harry's eyes as he turns on his heel and heads to the forbidden forest. "I hope we win this." Is all I can say to Fred before I go back to watching the scenes below me.

*Time Skip*

"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" Voldy exclaims, pointing to what looks to be Harry's body being cradled in Hagrids arms. "Now would be the time to switch sides." Voldy says, looking expectantly at Draco and Blaise. I watch as Draco walks over to his parents... No surprise there, but, I also watch Blaise step forward, pushing Neville behind him. "Blaise, I suppose youll be joining my ranks again?" He asks, opening his arms to embrace Blaise. "I’d like to say something. Doesn’t matter that Harry’s gone. People die everyday— Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he’s still with us…in here. So is Fred, Hermione, Remus…all of them. They didn’t die in vain! But you will! Cause you’re wrong! Harry’s heart did beat for us! For all of us! It’s not over!" Blaise screams, shocking us all when he pulls the sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting hat... I thought only a true Gryffindor could find the sword? "I guess he really was one of us." Fred says in amazement as we watch Harry roll out of the Half Giants arms, and have his wand tossed to him by Draco Malfoy himself, who runs back into battle on the lights side, ignoring his parents calling for him.

*Time Skip*

The battle was won, the light conquered the darkness, we suffered great losses... Fred and Myself included in the long list. As soon as the battle was over, Blaise Zabini ran across the hall to Ron, dipped him back, and snogged the boy like his life depended on it. "I've wanted to do that for a while." Is all he says before walking out of the hall, leaving Ron to chase after him. "Are you ready to to, Love?" Fred questions, holding his hand out to me. "Always." I whisper as I take his hand and follow him into the light. I don't know what the future holds for Blaise Zabini... But I do know he's no monster, and he's far from a criminal. Hes a Gryffindor a heart, and his love for what's right helped us win the battle. Ill forver be in debt to him for keeping Ron and Harry alive, and Ill owe him even more when he gets here for defending me from Bellatrix... Who knew, Right? Blaise Zabini, a Gryffindor at heart.

Ameortentia - Collection of One-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें