My My I Think We Have A Spy (OCxRemus Lupin)

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I can't believe it.

That Pete could be capable of something like this.

He'd killed Mum weeks ago, taken me hostage after.

He told me that he'd told the others Mum was sick.

That I was at our safe house taking care of her.

He's been pretending to be one of them for weeks...

...when in reality he's working for the other side.

Playing our friends, our family, for fools.

Putting them all in danger.

Putting me in danger.

I couldn't even begin to tell you how many of his little accomplices have been here. 

Even when he's gone.

I've been beaten.



All because Pete's become blinded by power.

But that all changes tonight.

Tonight I became a monster.


Not a monster at all.

A survivor.

I'd killed one of them.

Crouch, to be precise.

Then disposed of his body, hidden his wand.

So now I wait.

I wait for Peter to leave.

To go to the Order meeting.

To continue his betrayal of the only people who've ever truly given a rats arse about us.

Before them we only had each other.

Dad was an abusive drunk.

Mum wasn't here, even when she was.

Until those friends of ours came into our lives we had nothing.

We were always just the Pettigrew twins.

Peter and Gwen.

The quiet duo who preferred to keep to themselves.

To avoid attention.

To avoid more emotional abandonment.

It all changed the moment I'd stumbled into Remus Lupin's compartment on the train first year.

From that moment on we had a family.

Family that we could rely on.

Family that wouldn't leave us behind.

And then Pete does this.

Throws it all away...

...and for what?

To be Voldemort's bitch?

To become everything we hated in the world?

He's a traitor.

And he's done hurting people.

Not on my watch.

I'll kill him myself before I let anything happen to them.

Any of them.

My godson in particular.

Harry lives...

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