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Dumbledore mumbles something about luck into my, Harry's, ear before patting me, Harry, on the back and sending me, Harry, into the maze- the final task of the triwizard tournament; Little does he know Harry Potter is in-fact knocked out and bound to his bed in the Gryffindor boys dormitory. I've had a bad feeling about this Maze since I found out about it, but today I've had this gut wrenching feeling that someone was going to die tonight... so I knocked my best friend out and stole a bottle of Polyjuice potion from Snape's classroom to ensure his safety. The people are bloody mad if they thought we'd let Harry do this; I've got Fred sitting in the dorms with him and George guarding the common room, nobody is laying a hand on Harry Potter's head tonight; Not if I have anything to say about it. Making my way deeper in the maze I find myself completely and utterly lost, the path I'd just walked already having changed and giving me no option but to continue onward. As I maneuver my way through the maze I find myself clutching my wand tightly. The further in I push, the worse my foresight becomes.

It's not until I hear a gut wrenching scream do I realize that one of the other competitors, Fleur by the sounds of if, had been attacked. Taking off in a sprint to help her, I round a corner and run smack into a familiar chest- Viktor. I open my mouth to ask him if he's alright, but slam it shut instantly when I realize his eyes are clouded over and something about him is off; He's bewitched. Thinking quickly I sidestep Viktor and move around him silently, realizing all at once that whoever bewitched Viktor told him not to touch Harry... I've got to find Cedric. He's in real danger if someone's rigged Harry to win, They've already gotten Fleur out of the way, and Viktor is, as I've already stated, bewitched- which leaves Cedric in the way. I run blindly through the maze, checking around every corner for any sight of Cedric, my bones chilling when I can't seem to find him. Instead of finding Cedric I encounter not only a boggart but a peculiar gold mist that I had to defeat, quickly, in order to continue further into the maze on my search for Cedric.

My blood runs cold when I hear a male voice let out an agonizing scream, a scream I've only ever heard about through description... someone's under the Cruciatus Curse. Closing my eyes I focus my mind on the screams and try my best to pinpoint the location, breathing out a sigh of relief when I realize they're just ahead of me and to the left. Pushing my legs harder than I ever thought I could push them I run around the corner and I immediately spot Viktor, he's got Cedric backed into a corner and the latter of the two looks to be in extreme pain. Aiming my wand at the back of Viktor's neck I do the only thing I can think to do, I pop off two stunning spells in a matter of seconds and watch with a victorious smile as he drops to the ground in a state of unconsciousness. Rushing to Cedrics side I offer him my hand to help him off the ground, which he reluctantly takes. "He's bewitched." I lower my voice to sound like Harry's as I move to stand between Viktor and the business end of Cedrics wand.

Hardly sparing me a glance, Cedric takes off running around the next corner- me hot on his heels. We both enter a long corridor of maze and my eyes widen when I spot the cup at the other end, daring one of us to take it. We both run to grab the cup, Cedric falling victim to the hedges and forcing me to stop and save his arse yet again tonight. Helping him to his feet, he looks at me and shouts a quick "Together!" Before we both run at the cup and grab onto it tightly, my brain kicking into overdrive when I realize it's a portkey. The two of us land in a cemetery, and the sickening feeling in my stomach returns instantly. "Harry! It's a portkey!" I ignore Cedric as I take a look around, my body nearly going into shock when I see Peter Pettigrew exit a tomb, carrying a sickly bundle in his arms. "Kill the spare." I watch as Pettigrew aims his wand at Cedric, and I find myself blowing my cover completely as I launch myself in front of Cedric Diggory and yell "PROTEGO MAXIMA!" Cedrics breath hitches when he realizes I'm not Harry...

"Grab my shoulder and Accio the cup, Diggory, this protection charm won't hold forever." I shout over my shoulder as I hold my wards up against the outraged curses being thrown my way; I was right. I'm Hermione bloody Granger, I'm never wrong about anything and this confirms it. I almost let out an audible breath of relief when I feel a firm hand on my shoulder and hear Cedrics deep voice yell out "ACCIO TRIWIZARD CUP." I wait until I see the cup is only a few inches away from flying into Cedrics outstretched hand before I drop my protection charms and close my eyes in relief. I knew someone's life would be in danger tonight- I just knew it. I feel the cup activate into its portkey and the next thing I know I'm laying underneath Cedric Diggory on the cold, wet, muddy grass marking the entry of the Maze. "I should have know it was you the moment you stepped between Krum and I- Harry'd have let me curse him back." Cedric whispers to me, his right hand moving up to tuck a few strands of my hair behind my ear... OH NO! THE POTION WORE OFF!

Rolling off of me, Cedric offers me his hand and helps me to my feet; Blocking my frame from the stunned crowd with his body. "Was that?" He asks, and I already know what he's talking about. "Yes." He searches my eyes for any sign I'm pulling his leg, and when he finds none he pulls me into a tight hug. "Granger, you saved my life. Without you I'd be dead right now... I'm in debt to you from this moment on." As soon as he speaks of a debt, a long strand of golden magic erupts from his wrist and wraps around a string of glowing white magic being pulled from my body; Our core Magic's knotting themselves together and intertwining our lives until his debt is paid. "You can start paying off that little debt by helping me explain all this to Dumbledore..."

(Anyone want a Part 2? What did you think about this one?)

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