Stolen (MiltiShip)

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It all started in the late evening hours of the fifth day of June, 1980.

Narcissa Malfoy had spent the better part of the day in excruciating labour, finally giving birth in the mid afternoon hours.

Her son, he was the perfect heir, everything about him screamed Malfoy.

From his the shape of his eyes to the curve of his chin, he looked nothing like the Black his mother was.

Her daughter, however, looked much like her aunt Andromeda did as a baby, sparing the black hair.

She was blonde of course and her skin a milky white, but her features screamed Black.

She named her son Draco Hyperion Malfoy.

She named her daughter Hydra Medousa Malfoy.

As the day wore into dark evening hours, she found herself physically drained and succumbed to sleep.

When she awoke several hours later, she found her son sleeping soundly in his bassinet.

Her daughter was nowhere to be found.

The Malfoy family searched for years to find their beloved daughter, only for every lead to come up empty handed.

Little did they know, a few hours away, a young girl was being raised not too far from the Weasley family.

"Hermione Melody Lovegood! Don't be rough on your sister, she's fragile!" 

Dumbledore had stolen the young girl in the dead of night with the intentions of placing her with Muggles...

...Until he ran across the Lovegoods.

The Lovegoods were much like the Malfoy family in way of looks.

Platinum Blonde Hair.

Blue/Grey Eyes.

Sharp Features.

Placing the girl with them was the most logical thing he could think to do.

He, of course, knew the girl would know of her true parentage before attending Hogwarts.

The Hat couldn't very well sort someone who didn't exist, and Hermione Melody Lovegood didn't exist.

Hydra Medousa Malfoy did.

So he watched as the girl was raised by the whimsical family.

As she played the role of protective older sister.

As she struck up friendships with the identical Weasley boys.

As he watched he realized his plan was working better than expected.

This Malfoy girl, would be the first one of her kind.

Raised with no hate or prejudice.

She wouldn't know to think Muggleborns were below her or that some families weren't worth knowing.

Albus Dumbledore made a choice, and that choice would forever change the outcome of the dark days to come.

The Lovegoods waited until her tenth birthday before they told her the truth.

She wasn't truly their daughter, though they loved her no less than they did Luna.

She was a Malfoy, and had a twin brother who would be attending school with her.

Her birth parents would probably take her from them once she was discovered to be under their care.

Her name wasn't Hermione.

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