Chapter Thirty Four

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As I was laying on Jordan, all I could hear was the faint beat of her heart as my head was on her chest. I never wanted to move from this spot because this was home.

Jordan was home.

All the fights, all the arguments and disagreements was nothing compared to the love we had for each other. It doesn't matter how difficult things get because I will take those over something too easy.

Jordan isn't easy. I don't think I ever want her to be. She is something special to me, and I will try my best not to let her go. She means the world to me, and even though she pushes me away time after time, I will always come back.

As we were laying on the couch, Jordan had fell asleep and I was trying not to as I was watching tv. It was nice to be here with her, laying on her, listening to her heart beat as she was sound asleep. It didn't matter if we weren't talking, as long as I'm here with her, nothing else really matters.

"Aw, look at this!" Casey.

I didn't bother looking up as I kept my focus on the tv. She's always walking in on Jordan and I when we're either sleeping and just cuddling. She comes in at the worse times, and ruins the current atmosphere.

"Go away Casey." I kept my head on Jordan's chest and could still hear her faint heartbeat, so I knew she was still asleep. If Casey wakes her up, knowing that she hardly sleeps, I will murder that woman.

I heard her chuckle as she comes into view as she walks around the couch. "Y'all are so cute together." She smiles at me but I only glare. "What?" She chuckles.

"If you wake her up, I'm going to murder you."

She chuckles again as she watches me. "I'm not going to wake her up." She explains. "How long has she been sleeping?"

I couldn't remember the exact time. "Probably about an hour or something." She nods. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see my sister, ok?" She stares at me.

I roll my eyes. "Well leave before I murder you"

She watches me for a moment. "We need to talk."

I shake my head. "I'm busy right now. Leave your name and number and I'll get back to you." I pause. "Beep."

She chuckles as she stares at me. "Seriously, Alexis. It's important."

I sigh. "But I'm comfortable." I whine.

She rolls her eyes. "Get your lazy ass up. You're probably hurting her anyways,"

I give her a look. "How? I don't even weigh as much as her. We're about the same." I stare at her. "Stop calling me fat."

"I'm not calling you- oh my God, if you do not come on." She demanded.

I groan. "Fine." I slowly get up without waking Jordan up, and with all the movement required to get off of her, I was afraid she would wake up. But she didn't and I was relieved.

Casey and I walked into the kitchen to talk. I wasn't sure on what she wanted to talk about, but knowing Casey, it probably revolves around Jordan. Every time she wants to talk, it's always about Jordan.

I lean against the counter as she turns towards me. I watch as she stares at me for a moment. "I want to talk about what you told me the other day." I stare at her for a moment until I realize what she meant. I motion for her to continue. "Ok, so when are you planning on doing this?"

I shrug. "A few weeks? I have to get everything ready, and I have to save more money." It was stressful to have such a little time limit when I'm already ready to get this all set up.

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