Chapter Twenty Two

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The moment I stepped inside my apartment, was the moment that I wish I was somewhere else. I could of went anywhere else rather than coming to the other place that left nothing but hurt inside my chest. 

I thought my life was going great.

What happened.

I saw a few bags and boxes out against the walls. I shut the door then heard footsteps walking from the hall. I saw Atlanta walk in and she slightly smiled at me as she laid some more boxes down. "I didn't think you would be back here anytime soon." She said as she was looking at me.

I shrug then walk to the kitchen as I heard her following. I stopped then turned to look at her as she was watching me. I turn around to look through the cabinets. "I need a drink." I say as I grab a glass and lay it on the counter.

"I haven't seen you drink in a while." She walks over to me and grabs a glass from the cabinet. "I'll have on too."

I took the bottle and poured us a glass full. I took a few sips as I watched her for a moment. "Why do you have to leave?" I question.

She looks at me. "I already told you, Alexis." She continues to stare at me. "Please don't start this." She sighs then takes another sip from her glass.

"What if I want to start this?" I watch her.

She watches me for a moment as we both stand there in silence. "I'm not arguing with you." She said as she sat her glass down then walked out of the kitchen.

After a few more sips, as my glass was nearly empty, then decided to walk out to find Atlanta looking through some of the boxes against the wall. I watched her for a moment until she looked up at me. After a minute, she stood up and I decided to start.

"This is what I don't understand," I started as she was staring at me. "Why everyone continues to hurt me like it's nothing. I haven't done shit to them, but yet they continue to do so." I watch her as she stares at me.

"Alexis," She started but I stopped her.

I shook my head. "No, don't say anything. I don't care what you have to say." I look at her for a moment realizing that it was shitty to say that. "Sorry." I sighed.

She stares at me. "May I speak?" I nod and she continues. "Alexis, it's called life. You're going to get hurt throughout it because it's the way of living. You can't help it." She explains. "If it's worth the fight, then it will hurt you in the end. You may think that everyone is out to hurt you, but in reality, you're only hurting yourself by making it seem like they're the bad guys." I understood what she's saying, but somehow I didn't understand a word that came from her mouth.

I was exhausted from this conversation, so I was done talking. I turned around to go to my room and take a nap, but was stopped when Atlanta spoke.

"You're stupid, Alexis. I hate to tell you but someone needs to. You're acting like a complete idiot over this shit, and I don't understand what your problem is. Everybody gets hurt. Every fucking body. But you're acting like it's literally killing you." I didn't turn around because I didn't have to. She said what needed to be said, and all that's left now is for us to end this conversation. "Don't make a big deal out of such a small thing, Alexis." I didn't hear anything but the sound of the door shutting afterwards. I went to my room as I didn't know what to do at this point. I knew she was right. I knew every word she said was the damn truth. I just didn't know what to do anymore because I was tired of feeling this hurt.

But this hurt will subside.

I walk out to see Atlanta grabbing some boxes, and I went up to her and grabbed one. I caught her staring at me but she didn't say anything as we both walked outside to her car. I sat the box down next to the other ones and I look around at all of them before looking at her.

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