Chapter Seventeen

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"Watch me." She turned around and started walking away. She turned back to me and looked at me. "This is goodbye, Alexis. I hope you find someone who will give you what I couldn't."

Sleep was not my friend during the night. I couldn't keep my eyes shut long enough to even get a good night sleep. Every minute, my mind would wander off to Jordan and that's what kept me awake. I finally went to sleep somewhere around five, but it didn't last long since Atlanta woke me up around seven. So, I only had about two hours of sleep and I was no happy when I woke up.

I groan as I pull the blanket over my head to try to get some more sleep. I don't understand why she has to wake me up. She's the one going to work, not me.

"I know you're sleepy. I'm sorry, but you can't sleep all day." She said as she yanked the blanket from me and opened my curtains. "Rise and shine!" She yelled.

I open my eyes and glared at her. "I'm going to murder you." I watch as she smiles then practically runs out of the room before I have time to get up.

I didn't want to move.

I wanted to sleep forever.

I finally got up, but I didn't want to. I know how Atlanta is because I've basically lived with her for around two in half eyes, and she doesn't like sleeping in as much as I do.

I guess that's because she has a job, and I don't. I've been looking for one, but I don't like people, so I haven't really been looking. I only say that because Atlanta won't leave me alone about it, but lying seems to help make her think that I actually have.

I walked out of the bedroom to find her in the kitchen sitting at the table. I didn't understand how she was a morning person. I never was a morning person, and probably never will be.

I sat down at the table across from her and caught her eyes as she smiled. "Want coffee?" She offered. I shook my head and she stared at me. "You never metioned why you don't like coffee."

I didn't really have a reason. I suppose coffee and I were never really friends to begin with, and every time I did drink it, it drained me rather than help me get through the day like it does for everyone else.

"I hate it." I said as I watched her. "I've always hated coffee."

She chuckles. "How someone can hate coffee, I have no idea. I'm pretty sure half of America drinks it."

I shake my head. "Yeah, and that's what is wrong with them today." She nearly choked after those words left my mouth.

She looks at me and chuckles. "How is coffee the problem of America?"

"It drives people crazy." I pause as I watch her. "The caffeine inside of it is what makes the addicts out of people. That is why they always crave it, and need it." I shrug as she nods. "Don't get me wrong, coffee is ok in some sort of matter but having it everyday?" I question.

She rolls her eyes. "Ok, I'm not sitting here and engaging in a full on lecture because I have to go to work." She smiles as she stands up. "Try to get out of the house and do something. I don't care what, just leave, ok?"

I watch as she leaves the apartment, and I'm sitting trying to think of anything to do. I mean, I could always lie to her and tell her that I left, but in reality, I stay my ass on the couch and watch Netflix.

It was only around seven forty, so I had the whole day to do whatever I wanted. Atlanta didn't get off from work until five, so I will have all hours to watch as many movies as I wanted without her fussing.

After much debate inside of my head, I decided to go for a walk. At least it would help me from wanting to fall asleep, and I could always bring money to stop by the store. Walking wasn't so bad because it did help me on some levels, and Atlanta walks with me sometimes when I need a walking partner.

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