Chapter Thirty Two

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I heard groaning over next to me as I was laying in bed watching tv. I look over to see Jordan tossing and turning. I sigh as I knew that I couldn't do anything but watch her be in pain.

I wasn't interested in anything that was on tv, because the only thing that had my attention right now was Jordan. I couldn't stop looking over at her as she was tossing, trying to get comfortable.

"Damn it!" She yelled as she punched her pillow. I watch as she buries her face in the pillow and lays there for a moment. She finally turns back over and throws the blanket off of her as she gets up.

"Jordan, where are you going? I ask as I sit up and watch her.

"I don't know." She said as she was walking towards the door. I quickly got up and went to grab ahold of her. "Let me go!" She tried to move my hands but I had a tight grip on her.

I held onto her as she was struggling to get free. "Jordan, calm down."

She finally released herself then turned around and pushed me. "No!" I watch as she runs her hands down her face. "Leave me alone." She reaches for the door but I stop her.

"Jordan, please." I said as I see her face from the glow of the tv.

She stares at me for a moment. "Move." I shook my head and she continues to stare at me. "Now."

I shook my head again. "Go back to bed."

"I can't fucking sleep!" She yells. "Now move!"

I stare at her as I knew that she was just going to keep yelling at me if I didn't move out of her way. But I knew that if I did move, I would regret my decision even more.

I sigh. "Jordan, please." I beg. "I'll take care of you."

"Get out of my way, Alexis."

I stare at her. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know. Just move." She said as she was staring at me.

I knew there was no point in arguing anymore, so I moved out of her way and watched as she walked out of the room and shut the door behind her. I didn't want to let her leave, but I didn't want to argue with her all night either.

I rubbed my eyes as I walked over to the bed and laid down. I pulled the blanket over my head and tried my best to go to sleep. I knew that Jordan wasn't going to sleep tonight, but I didn't have a choice as I felt my eyelids get heavier by the second.

I was almost asleep, when I heard the door shut then felt the bed move. I didn't move as I knew it was Jordan. I stayed there until the blankets moved a little then there was silence.

I felt a few tears escape my eyes and I wiped them away as I moved the blankets from my head and stared at the wall. I watched as the glow from the tv made shadows on the walls. I watch them for a moment until I finally fell asleep.


"Well, you're up early." Casey chuckled as she entered the kitchen.

I was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in front of me. I didn't look up as I stared down at my cup. I stared at the small bubbles that were on the top and watched as they slowly disappeared.

"Alexis?" I heard Casey again as she moved a chair from the table and sat down across from me. "What's wrong?"

I kept my head down as I stared at the cup. I wasn't in the mood to talk to her, or anybody for that matter. I really didn't want to be here as I wanted to be back at my place, in bed.

What happened with Jordan last night shouldn't have affected me as much because I've dealt with it before, but for some reason it really hurt me in ways that I can't explain since I wanted to crawl under something and cry my eyes out.

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