Chapter Thirty Three

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I stared into those dark chocolate eyes as they were staring back at me. Everything else was out of focus as the only thing that I was focused on was the woman sitting across from me against the wall of her bedroom.

I tore my eyes away from her stare as I examined the room around us. There were pillows and blankets scattered on the floor. Paper everywhere. Books thrown into different places. Clothes scattered on the bed, table and dressers. Everything looked like a disaster.

As I found her eyes once again, she was still staring at me as I was sitting against the bed, watching her from the other side of the room. I wasn't sure on how long it has been, but we've been in this position for an hour or more. After all the damage was done, the only thing left now was complete silence overtaking the atmosphere.

I heard the faint noise of the wind outside, but that was the only sound that could be heard at the moment. The eerie silence was engulging both of us, and it felt like it had our necks around it's fragile hands.

They say that after a hurricane hits, there's nothing left but scattered houses, trees bent, cars flipped and the silence that takes over after the catastrophic damage is done and over with.

I heard the door to the bedroom creak open and I turned my head to hear a voice coming through. "Ok, so why hasn't anyone been- what the hell?" Casey stopped as she looked around the room. Soon her eyes landed on Jordan and I, and I could tell that we had some explaining to do. "Ok, what the hell happened in here?" She took in the room again.

I look over at Jordan as I wasn't sure if I was allowed to speak. She stared at me before she looks back over at her sister. "Nothing." Was all she said. Not even a dumbass would believe that shit.

"Yeah, ok." Casey said. "Seriously, it looks like a damn hurricane came through here."

I watch as she looks over the room again. "We're working things out." I say as her eyes found mine.

She stares at me for a moment and I watch as her eyes glance over to Jordan for a moment until they find mine. "Ok, were you not clear on what 'working things out' meant?" She watches me for a moment until I shrug. "I'm pretty sure I meant communication, not destroy the whole place." She sighs as she pinches the bridge of her nose. "Ok, I'm not even going to say anything." She looks over at Jordan. "I am going to go pick up Kaylee, I'll be back soon." She looks over at me then back at Jordan. "Please don't burn the house down." She walks out the room.

I look back over at Jordan as she's sitting against the wall looking off in the distance. I watched her until her eyes found mine and we stared at each other for a moment until she slowly got up. "I'm going to make coffee." With that said, she left the room.

It was a few minutes until I decided to walk downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to see Jordan standing in front of the coffee pot. I walked over to the counter and leaned against it as I watched her for a moment until she turned around and met my eyes.

We didn't say anything as she tore her eyes away then walks over to the table to sit down. I stand there for a moment until I decide to pour me a cup of coffee. As I held the cup in my hands, I look out the window as thoughts invade my mind.

It's getting too much.

I thought I was strong enough to look past all this. I thought I was going to be able to hold on to this and not let it slip through my fingers, but it's getting harder and I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on.

They say one of the hardest decisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder.

I'm stuck in between at the moment. I'm not sure on what I want to choose.

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