Chapter Seven

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I left late that afternoon as the sun was setting. I didn't realize how late it was until I walked outside. Kaylee had us playing every game known to man inside the house and it only occurred to me that it was late.

I had a few messages from Kate asking who I was with, and when I would be back. I texted her as soon as I was leaving, and she responded that she will be waiting at my apartment for me when I got there.

Kate could be a little clingy sometimes, but I wouldn't change her in any way, shape or form because she wouldn't be Kate if I did.

I got into the Uber and watched the world go by as we were driving down the road. I really hated spending the money that I had saved on Uber because it's breaking me, but I don't have the money to buy or rent a car. I couldn't if I tried.

As we pulled up, I saw Kate and Nathan both standing outside the door. I paid the driver then got out and walked towards them as they were both watching me. They both looked irritated as I was walking to the door to unlock it. As I walked in, I heard them both walk in behind me and when the door shut, the questions started flooding the room.

"It's time to spill the beans." Nathan said as I turned around to face them both. "Who are you secretly dating and why aren't you telling us?" He asked as he stood there watching me.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "I'm not secretly dating anyone, nor am I actually dating anyone." I looked at them both as they were staring at me.

Kate spoke, "Then please tell us where you were at."

I sighed. "Y'all remember our instructor, Miss Grace?" I questioned. They both nod. "Well, I've been babysitting her daughter." I say as I look at both of their faces, trying to figure out their emotions to what I just explained.

Nathan shrugged then walked past me to the kitchen as Kate was left standing there watching me. I stared at her as we were silent and I didn't know what was going on through her head.

She didn't say anything as she too walked past me and into the kitchen. I followed them both and stood there as I was watching them. I knew that it wouldn't be a big deal, because I was only babysitting for her, but they didn't ask any questions regarding the fact that she asked me to babysit for her.

Or more like, me offering to babysit.

It wasn't because I thought I would have the chance to be around her, or get to know her outside of her work place. It was more like I wanted to do it because she sounded in destress when she couldn't find anyone, and I just happened to walk in at the perfect time.

But now that I know the reason why she needed a babysitter, because she wanted to go out on a date, had me feeling a little uneasy. I mean, I would like for her to be happy or whatever, but I wouldn't want it to be with anyone else but me.

What the hell did I just say.

I may have a small crush on her, so what. She's one of those people who sends great vibes, like I have explained before and she's great to be around because of it. Anybody would want to be around her, or better yet, be with her because of her personality.

I look for personaily instead of looks. The looks are just a bonus for me because I would rather have someone with a great personality, and not look that great, instead of someone with a shitty life and look hot shit.

Standards, people.

"So, why did Miss Grace ask you to babysit?" Nathan asked as he was making a sandwich. I was expecting Kate to be the first to ask, but Nathan beat her to it, I guess.

I stood there for a moment. "She didn't ask me." I say as they both look at me. "I offered." I shrugged like it wasn't a big deal, but they had no idea.

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