Chapter Ten

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"Alexis!" Kate yelled at me as I was daydreaming in the backseat of Nathan's truck.

"What." I blankly said as I stared out the window. I wasn't in the mood for any of her yelling today. Give me the strength not to smack her.

"Stop daydreaming and come on." She said once before she hops out and slams the door.

I roll my eyes and get out the back as we pulled up at the university. I couldn't hardly think because I was so exhausted from last night that I didn't even want to come today.

Jordan had other plans though. Since I slept over at her house because I wasn't about to call Uber at that time of night, she woke me up the next morning and offered to take me by my house. I told her that I didn't want to go today, but she said that if I didn't and since she was my first instructor in the mornings, that she would give me a zero on my next test.

I thought she was joking but it turns out that she wasn't. That woman can be real intimidating sometimes, but hot as hell. It's amazing how she's perfect in everyway.

I don't understand how she went from acting the way she did last night to acting completely different the next morning like she didn't almost get drunk from drinking too much. I know that I wouldn't be able to do that, but I'm surprised she did.

We walk into the classroom as we had a few minutes left until class started. I looked over as I walked in and saw Jordan at the board writing something. I walked over and sat down between Kate and Nathan at the table as I stared at her from across the room.

"Party this Friday." Kate whispered close to me. I looked over and saw her smiling. "You promised that you would come."

I groaned. "Fine." I can't believe I signed up for this. I hate partying. At least it was on the weekend though, so I wouldn't have to worry about class the next day.

"Alright everyone," Jordan spoke which silenced the whole room. I watched her as she talked about what we were going to be doing for the next few weeks. It had something to do with a project, and we had to do it alone but we were given a few weeks to complete it. "I expect everyone to do well." She looks around the room at everyone with a smile on her face.

I love her smile.

We did some work that she instructed for us to do. Kate and Nathan were both lost in whatever they were doing that I was stuck by myself with my thoughts. I don't mind being left alone, but I seem to daydream more than anything and it disconnects me from the world.

It seemed as though time was going slow because this class never ended. I was tired of sitting here trying to focus when I know damn well that I couldn't. My mind was all over the place today. I guess that's what happens when I don't get enough sleep.

I slept on the couch last night at Jordan's. Kaylee woke up once throughout the night and she wanted something to eat. I didn't know what to make, so I just poured her a bowl of cereal and we both sat on the couch at one in the morning. She watched TV until she fell asleep, which was about three at the time. After I had took her back to bed, I couldn't sleep. I may have shut my eyes for a solid thirty minutes, but nothing more.

I suppose the thought of me staying at Jordan's had my mind racing throughout the whole night. I tried not to think of it too much but I couldn't, and that's what fucked me up with my sleep. To top it off, Jordan woke me up at six in the morning that basically left me with about an hour or less of sleep.

I was tired.

I needed sleep.

I think I might have dozed off a little.

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