Chapter Eighteen

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What the hell am I going to do?

Of course I wanted to see Jordan, a part of me will always want to see her. But another part of me never wants to see her ever again. I have both sides debating what to do and it's driving me crazy.

She hurt me.

She doesn't deserve to see me after all of these years.

I'm pacing around the living room. I've been doing this for hours ever since I arrived back from the coffee shop. I haven't sat down once because I couldn't. I was stuck with thoughts inside of my head and I do not know what to do at this moment.

The thought of Casey actually asking me that was insane. She knows what happened, she was there, but yet she still manages to bring something about Jordan up.

Not like I was still hurting from that night.

Of course she doesn't care.

Just like her sister.

I heard the front door open and saw Atlanta walk in with a bag in her hands. When she saw me, she smiled and sat the bag down on the counter in the kitchen. "I brought dinner." She said as she was looking through the bag. She caught me watching her then she stopped. "What's wrong?" She asks.

She can tell when something is wrong even when I don't say anything.

I stood there watching her for a moment. "I saw Casey again today." I had mentioned her last night when we ran into each other because Atlanta wouldn't shut up about it.

She stares at me. "What happened?"

I sigh then look elsewhere. "She brought up Jordan, or better yet, her daughter." I look at her as she stares at me. "She wants me to come to her birthday party tomorrow." I explain as I watch her.

She didn't say anything for a moment as she stands there staring at me. "Ok." She said. "Why don't you go?" She asks as she looks through the bag again.

I watch her like she's completely insane. "Atlanta," She looks up at me and I stare at her. "Do you not remember what happened years ago?" I question. I do remember talking to her about it. I mean, I did go to her after Jordan left. I didn't go anywhere else, but went back to that party and found Atlanta.

"So?" She questions. I stare at her as I didn't understand what the hell was wrong with her. She sighs. "Alexis," She started as she walks around the counter and approaches me. "If you're still afraid of seeing Jordan," She pauses then looks at me. "She is going to be there, right?" I nod and she continues. "Ok, if you're still afraid of seeing her after all these years, then you seriously need to get over this." She explains. "It's been three damn years since you last saw her. I know she hurt you, I remember what you told me that night, but this needs to happen. You need to see her."

I watch her. "Why?" I ask. "Why do I need to see her after what she did?"

"Closure." She says. "You need some closure from her. That's why you're still hurting, because you do not know the real reason why she did it. Maybe she's ready to actually tell you once she sees you. You never know unless you go." She walks back to the counter and I watch her. "I mean it, Alexis. You're going."

I stood there as I tried to make out every word she said. Part of me knew she was right, but the other half was still in denial.


I barely slept that night. Atlanta had begged me more than a dozen times to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I was a mess and I knew that sleep wouldn't fix what was going through my head at that moment. I knew what was happening the next day, but I still couldn't wrap my head around it.

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