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A few days went by normally. A lot of people were congratulating the newlywed couple.

Days went by and soon it was the anniversary of Jimin's mother's death.

He woke up that day, already feeling dreadful. November 1st had always been difficult, but this time Jimin had Yoongi next to him.

He was making breakfast, Chan staring at him as he held back the feelings he had been burying deep inside for a year.

"How are you feeling?" Yoongi asked, wrapping his arms around Jimin's tiny waist from behind.

He had promised Jimin that he wouldn't let him suffer alone. A part of Jimin was excited because he would finally get to introduce his husband to his mother. But his heart would always be heavy on this day, no matter how good news he had for his mother.

"Not good." Jimin whispered.

He was afraid that his voice would crack or he would burst into tears if he spoke too loudly.

"I know baby." Yoongi placed a gentle kiss on his temple. "Just don't hold it all in, it's just gonna get worse."

Jimin nodded. The fact that Yoongi was so understanding and so supportive made him feel even more emotional. He was truly thankful to have a husband like him and he knew that his mother would be happy for him. His mother would be smiling down at them because she knew that finally- after all the torture- his son was happy.

Jimin's legs felt heavy as he approached the simple but beautiful gravestone. He felt like turning around and running away, but as soon as Yoongi's hand grabbed his, he felt a little better.

"Hi mom." Jimin spoke, placing down the flowers he was holding. "I'm here... Again."

Yoongi stared at the gravestone as Jimin spoke.

"I'm sorry I don't visit more often." He chuckled, but you could hear his voice was shaking, threatening to break any moment. "It just hurts so much."

A single tear slid down his cheek.

"Today I brought someone special with me." Jimin smiled a little, giving Yoongi's hand a squeeze. "This is Min Yoongi, my husband."

"Hello, mother in law." Yoongi bowed slightly.

"He makes me the happiest man on earth and I love him very much."

"I love Jimin too, so much it's scary sometimes."

Jimin sniffled and wiped his tears away before placing a small kiss on Yoongi's cheek.

"I finally have good things to talk to you about..." Jimin started to explain everything that had been going on for the past year.

Yoongi stayed there, right next to him the whole time, holding his hand and talking to Jimin's mother with him.

"Thank you so much for today." Jimin spoke as the pair got out of the car and headed inside.

"You don't have to thank me for things like this." Yoongi chuckled. "I wanted to meet your mom."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They got inside, ready to go to bed but someone interrupted them on their way up the stairs.

"Yoongi." A familiar voice spoke.

Both of them turned around in suprise, locking eyes with Yoongi's mother. Her hair was a mess and the corner of her lip was bleeding a little.

"Are you okay?" Jimin spoke first.

Yoongi seemed to be too shocked to speak.

"I got into a fight." She confessed, a small chuckle escaping her throat.

"You?" Yoongi finally spoke. "You got into a fight?"


"But ladies do not get into fights." He mocked her mother's own words.

Jimin let go of Yoongi's hand and quickly fetched something to clean the blood with. This seemed to be a routine in the house.

"Well she started it." 

"How and who?"

"This lady at the hotel. I was just about to go to my room and she just started to talk about you and it was horrible."

Yoongi raised his eyebrows and the two of them sat down on the couch. "What did she say?"

"She called you a faggot." She sighed. "And she said other ugly things about people like you."

Jimin walked in, a small smile on his face. Even though something like this happening is horrible, the newlywed couple knew that finally Yoongi's mother was starting to show some kind of support, even if it wasn't much.

He handed the wet cloth to her and sat down next to his husband, taking his hand. Mrs. Min stared at their intertwined hands for a moment before flashing them a smile.

"I know father probably told you I freaked out." She laughed. "And in all honesty I did, I freaked out real bad at first."

She placed the cloth on her lip, trying to stop the bleeding. "But when I heard how she spoke about you, I realized that I can't be like that. I love you and I need to be there for you. And if you really are happy, then what more can I ask for? It's all I ever really wanted for you."

Heyyy again. Wow this chapter was hard to write. I hope it's good enough.

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