No More Lies

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A few days went by, no sign of Yoongi's parents finding out about their relationship. They seemed to be on the clear for now.

"I'm going to go out with the boys tonight. We're gonna go eat something again." Jimin announced first thing in the morning.

He had stayed up later than Yoongi, talking with his friends in their groupchat and they had ended up making plans for the day.

"I'll drive you there and pick you up whenever you're ready to come back home." Yoongi said, pulling Jimin closer to him.

"I wish my dad didn't sell my car so you wouldn't have to bother driving around for me."

"Hey, I like driving around for you and only you."

Jimin got out of Yoongi's car and the older followed.

"Are they here yet?" He asked, walking to the other side so he could say goodbye to Jimin.

"I don't think so." Jimin shook his head slightly.

"I'll wait with you then."

Jimin smiled slightly as he looked at Yoongi.

"What are you gonna do while I'm gone?" He asked.

"I don't know. Probably just cry." Yoongi joked.

Jimin placed his hands on his waist and pulled his body closer, leaning his back against Yoongi's car as he did so. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck and smirked slightly.

"We should make out when I get home." Jimin said bluntly.

Yoongi's eyes widened as he stared at the boy in his arms.

"Totally." He chuckled after recovering from the shock of how blunt the younger boy was.

He pushed his hand in Jimin's hair, grabbing it gently as he pressed his lips against his plumb ones. Jimin tried to pull him even closer to himself as their lips moved slowly together but that really wasn't possible at that point.

"So this is the famous Min Yoongi!" Seokjin's voice made the two pull away from eachother, both a little embarrassed.

"Hi." Yoongi bowed quickly after stepping away from Jimin who was slowly turning red.

All the boys seemed to have smirks on their faces, after all they had just interrupted a pretty heated kiss involving their best friend.

"Yeah I'm Min Yoongi, nice to meet you all."

Everyone introduced themselves and talked a little bit before Yoongi decided to let them have their quality time with his prince.

"Call me when I have to pick you up." He said to Jimin.

"Mhm." Jimin nodded, he was still a little embarrassed.

"Bye." Yoongi pecked his lips before getting into his car and driving off.

Namjoon elbowed Jimin a little with a knowing smirk on his face. "You get that man."

"Is he treating you well?" Jungkook butted in.

"Very." Jimin smiled a little.

A few hours went by and the doorbell rang trough Yoongi's house. He placed his laptop down and got up, heading for the front door.

"Did he forget the code?" He talked to himself.

He unlocked the door. "Who drove you here?"

As soon as the door opened he saw that the person certainly wasn't Jimin, whom he was expecting.

"Ara?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

The girl didn't answer, she just slapped him across his face. The ring she had on actually ripped a little bit of his skin, causing a drop of blood to roll down his cheek.

"What was that for?" Yoongi chuckled, suprised but overall amused.

His cheek stung a bit but the pain wasn't a lot.

"So you're gay!" Ara screamed.

Yoongi tried not to laugh at the upset girl. She was embarrassing herself in front of him and making sure that he did not want anything to do with her after this.

"You could've told me." She snapped. "I always just thought that you were playing hard to get. I was trying to make some progress with you."

"The thought never crossed your mind that maybe I was just not interested?" Yoongi asked, speaking in a low and calm voice.

As much as he didn't hate the idea of seeing Ara completely humiliate herself, he didn't want to get slapped for the second time.

"No one has ever rejected me." She smirked. "And neither will you."

Her hand was now on Yoongi's chest, pushing him inside to the house.

"Really Ara?" He laughed, now getting annoyed himself. "I have someone and that someone happens to be a male."

"I don't care, you'll like me after this." The girl licked her lips before leaning in.

Yoongi was quick to place his hand between their mouths, so Ara ended up kissing the back of his hand. "I'm serious. I don't like you and I never will." 

"And why is that?"

"Well first of all, you're a girl." Yoongi gently pushed her a little further from him. "Second of all, you're a real bitch."

Ara's jaw dropped dramatically as she heard those words leave Yoongi's lips. Yoongi's phone rang and he took it out, answering immediately after seeing that the caller was Jimin.

"Hey beautiful." He cooed.

Jimin let out a small laugh. "Hello Yoongi, can you pick me up now?"

"Sure. The same place I dropped you off at?"


Yoongi headed for the door before Ara, since she seemed to be too shocked to move her legs.

"I'm leaving right now." He said and ended the call.

"Oppa, are you really going to leave a girl frustrated like this?" Ara asked from behind him, her voice annoyingly flirty again.

"Stop calling me oppa, and yes I am. Now please exit the house or I'll have to call the police." Yoongi smiled innocently.

The girl rolled her eyes and hissed quietly.

"You're going to regret this." Ara pointed her finger at Yoongi, almost touching his face with it. "You really are."

The black haired boy nodded, closing the door after both of them were out.

"Have fun." Yoongi waved as he entered his car.

Ara raised his middle fingers up and walked away, the click of her heels echoing trough the empty yard. Yoongi started the car and drove past her with his tires screeching. Even though he got a slap on his face, he was happy that he didn't feel like lying anymore. The suffocating feeling of the lies was slowly fading away.

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