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Yoongi parked his car in front of the studio and tried to call Jimin's phone but the latter didn't answer even when he tried the second time.

The first thought that came into Yoongi's mind was that Jimin was still in a bad condition and maybe he had passed out, so he hurriedly got out of the car and jogged inside.

He peeked in from all the rooms, seeing a bunch of dancers but not Jimin.

"Can I help you?" A kind looking young man asked, wiping sweat off of his forehead. "I'm the owner, Hoseok."

Yoongi nodded, looking around. "Park Jimin, where is he?"

"Oh, he's in the room at the end of the hallway. Why?" Hoseok said, pointing at the closed door in the far end.

Yoongi could see Jimin's shadow move around so he let out a sigh, relieved.

"Who are you?" The owner asked, suddenly his voice all defensive.

"Min Yoongi." Yoongi answered, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh, I know you."


"Are you the shithead that causes those wounds on my old friend?"

Yoongi let out a weird noise. Now he understood why Hoseok sounded so defensive, he cared for Jimin.

"No I'm not." He answered, heading towards the end of the hallway.

Hoseok continued to stare at him as he opened the door and entered the room. Jimin didn't notice Yoongi as he leaned his back against the wall and watched him dance along to the music.

Soon the older boy was completely mesmerized by the way Jimin's body moved and how he seemed to not care about anything in that moment. He was truly beautiful in Yoongi's eyes. So beautiful that he suddenly just wanted to sit down and watch him dance forever.

The music stopped and Jimin was pulled out of his own world, the boy finally noticing his one man audience.

"When did you get here?" He asked, grabbing his stuff quickly before heading out of the room.

"A little while ago." Yoongi answered, following him out.

Hoseok was still standing in the hallway and he stared at the two as they started to head out rather slowly.

"You looked beautiful." Yoongi complimented.

Jimin's lips curved up in a small smile.

"You seem to love dancing." He continued.

"I do." Jimin nodded, waving goodbye to Hoseok as they passed him.

The owner of the dancestudio seemed to be in shock. Jimin had not even looked at him in the eyes in the past two years or so.

"Should we get something good to eat?" Yoongi asked, opening the car door for Jimin like a gentleman.

"You just had dinner with your parents." Jimin laughed.

Yoongi got into the driver's seat, immediately starting the car.

"The dinner wasn't really what I was hoping for so I lost my appetite for a moment." He confessed.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really."


Jimin didn't seem offended that Yoongi didn't want to speak about the dinner. He understood that sometimes you just don't want to talk about it.

The boys grabbed some chinese takeout on the way home and got to eating as soon as they arrived at the house.

"You were a little drunk last night, did you drive home?" Jimin asked in between bites.

"No, I called one of those drivers that can drive your car and you home for some money." Yoongi answered.

The boy almost choked on his food as he remembered the last thing he said, or more like yelled to Jimin.

"What?" Jimin chuckled.

"Did I-" Yoongi started. "Did I come out to you last night?"

Jimin nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Pretty loudly, may I add."

Yoongi looked down at his lap for a second.

"Are you okay with that?" He asked.

"Being gay?" Jimin asked, earning a small nod. "More than you think."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, not taking the hint.

"I'm gay too, you idiot." The younger laughed, casually just continuing with the eating.

"You are?"

"Mhm. I thought it's obvious."

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