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The newlywed couple arrived back home after spending almost a whole week on the island.

Taehyung and Jungkook had been staying at their house for the timebeing with Chan, and as they walked in, the dog was already waiting for them with his tail wagging.

"Hey baby." Yoongi cooed, kneeling down to pet their so called son.

"Guess what?" Jimin spoke to the dog. "Your dad went and proposed to your other dad."

They knew that Chan wouldn't understand what they were talking about, but you know dog owners...

Someone else however did understand loud and clear.

"WHAT?!" Jungkook yelled.

Jimin looked up at the brown haired boy with a smile on his face. Yoongi had started blushing.

"What what?" Jimin asked innocently.

"You guys got married?" Jungkook asked, his voice still a little too loud.

"Well yeah, as well as you can get married in our situation."

Yoongi stood up and wrapped his arm around Jimin's waist. "He said yes."

"OBVIOUSLY!" Jungkook screamed. "Taehyung, Taehyung."

The youngest ran off, a wide smile on his face.

"Is everyone gonna react like that?" Yoongi asked, now fanning his red face.

"Why are you blushing so much?" Jimin chuckled.

The two of them headed deeper into the kitchen, hearing Taehyung's excited screams.

"Congratulations!" He yelled, wrapping his arms around the both of them. "Wow I can't believe this."

"Show me the ring." Jungkook butted in, grabbing Jimin's hand.

He looked at the silverband on his finger and bit his lip, trying not to cry.

"Why are you getting emotional?" Jimin laughed.

"I'm just so happy for you two." Jungkook sniffled.

"Should we get married too then?" Taehyung smirked. "If it makes you so happy."

"Shut up." Jungkook glared at him before turning his attention back to the newlyweds. "This is worth celebrating. We gotta do something tonight!"

Yoongi nodded. "I think so too, also we have to tell the other guys."

Jimin smiled at his husband.

"Should we go to a nice restaurant, all seven of us? No alcohol of course." Jungkook suggested.

"Sounds nice." Yoongi nodded, glancing at Jimin.

Jimin placed a small peck on Yoongi's lips. "You guys can have some wine tonight, I don't think I'll mind."

"Congratulations to Yoongi and Jimin for tying the knot." Seokjin raised his glass, a smile plastered on his face.

Everyone raised their glasses, Jimin his filled with water and gulped some down.

"I can't believe you guys are married." Hoseok chuckled.

"Me neither." Namjoon nodded. "But you guys are meant to be."

Yoongi took Jimin's hand in his and placed a delicate kiss on his knuckles.

"So how did you propose?" Seokjin asked, leaning closer to the table like a higschool girl waiting to hear something juicy.

"Well..." Yoongi started to explain the story.

The next morning Yoongi woke up, feeling slightly nauseous. Last night some wine had turned into a lot of wine, of course on Jimin's permission to drink around him.

He rolled over, expecting to see Jimin laying next to him but instead he was met with a piece of paper.

I left for a walk with Chan so if you wake up before I'm home, just take the painkiller from the bedside table and freshen up. Good morning and I love you! -Your husband

Yoongi smiled to himself as he read the little message. He was so happy that they were now married.

He grabbed the painkiller and gulped it down with the glass of water Jimin had also put out for him.

"I'm so lucky." Yoongi spoke to himself like the fool he was.

He got up from bed immediately and took a shower.

"I'm home!" Jimin's voice echoed trough the house after a half an hour.

Yoongi jogged downstairs, only wearing some sweatpants that were hanging dangerously low. Jimin checked him out, gulping loudly.

"Good morning." Yoongi smirked, noticing the effect he had on Jimin.

"M-morning." Jimin said, his voice a little croaky.

Chan jumped up against Yoongi and he bent down, scratching the dog behind his ear.

"Did you have a good walk?" He asked.

"Mhm. Did you take a shower?"

Yoongi nodded.

"Oh, that's a shame." Jimin sighed.

"And why is that?"

"I would've joined you."

Yoongi stood up in a flash and grabbed his wrist, literally crashing their bodies together as he placed his lips on Jimin's hungrily.

"Let's take that shower then." He smirked as he pulled away and the two of them rushed upstairs.

Save Me • YoonminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora