Real Life Drama

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When Jimin arrived home after his fun shopping trip with his friends, he had not expected to find Yoongi in the kitchen with his parents.

"Hey." Jimin said carefully.

"So this is the person you've been hiding from us? A boy?" His mother spoke, her voice laced with venom.

"A boy?" Yoongi snapped. "He's the person I love, mother."

Jimin felt uncomfortable under the burning gaze of the woman.

"I thought we've talked about this already." She sighed.

"Honey..." Mr.Min spoke. "Let it go."

Yoongi looked at his father, suprised that he wasn't taking his wife's side. His mother seemed to be just as suprised.

"How can I let it go?" She spat, turning to look at Yoongi again. "You were supposed to marry Ga-Hui!"

"I was supposed to marry her? Since when?" Yoongi yelled.

"You were getting along well." She spoke calmly. "I thought that maybe you had finally realized that you're not gay."

"I've realized one thing."

"And what is that?"

"I don't need you in my life. I don't need people who don't love and accept me for who I am." Yoongi said.

He walked over to Jimin, taking his hand. "I love Jimin, and if you're not okay with that- I guess you can tell people that you don't have a son anymore."

His mother let out a short highpitched laugh. "I can't believe you're putting this boy before your own parents."

"I'm putting my sanity and my happiness before my toxic parents."

Jimin smiled reassuringly at Yoongi, giving his hand a small squeeze.

"I think you should go." Yoongi looked at his parents.

"Jimin." Yoongi's mom smiled sweetly. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Jimin looked at his boyfriend, searching for an answer in his eyes as to what he should do.

"Come on." She spoke.

Jimin placed a small kiss on Yoongi's cheek and walked into the living room, the woman following him.

"I have a deal for you." She smiled. "I'll give you anything and everything you want. Money, cars, whatever."

Jimin chuckled. He had seen this happen in dramas.

"Just break up with my son so we can all be happy." She finished.

"You do realize that the only reason for your son's unhappiness is you?" Jimin asked, tilting his head a little. "We're happy. And no money or cars would replace that happiness."

His mother pursed his lips together.

"This is like a real life drama. You're evil." Jimin continued. "And nothing you say or do will make me break up with Yoongi."

He turned around to leave, but Yoongi's mother grabbed his wrist.

"I'm not okay with this." She whispered, glaring at him.

"You should try to be, if you really love him."

Jimin walked back to the kitchen, leaving her alone into the living room.

"Honey, we're leaving!" She yelled at her husband.

Jimin smiled at Mr.Min, who was hugging his son.

"I'll talk to her, I'm not going to let her take away the only person that makes my son happy." He spoke, passing by Jimin.

Yoongi seemed to be in shock, he was standing in the middle of the kitchen, hands in his pockets and tears welling up in his eyes.

"I can't believe he's on my side." He sighed.

"Your father loves you." Jimin smiled. "I think your mom does too, she just needs time to accept you."

"Well she better do it soon, because I'm going to marry you some day, Park Jimin."

This is the shortest chapter so far. It's just a little filler so I can start to develop the relationship between Yoongi and his parents.

Remember to comment if you have feedback, I'd really appreciate it.

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