Alone Again

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"This is gonna be torture." Yoongi huffed, staring out of the taxi's window.

Jimin hummed in agreement, leaning his head against the other's shoulder.

"You make sure to eat well when I'm gone, okay?"

He nodded again. "You make sure to eat well too."

"I always do."

The driver glanced at the two of them trough the rear mirror and smiled. "Are you two dating?"

Yoongi was suprised that an older male like him didn't slander them to the ground with offensive words.

"No." He answered but winked at him trough the mirror. 

The driver seemed to get what he meant and turned his gaze back on the road with almost an inaudible laugh escaping his lips.

"Also if the doorbell rings at any point during the week, don't answer. Just ignore it and go on about your day." Yoongi said.

"Yeah yeah, I'm gonna be fine. I should be the one worrying about you." Jimin sighed.

"You don't have to worry about me."

"Are you seriously even going to try lying?"

Yoongi chuckled. Jimin just seemed to know him too well after such a short time they had been living together.

"We're here." The driver announced.

The two boys hadn't noticed that the car had stopped since they were both trying to enjoy their last moments together before getting separated for a whole week.

"Can you wait a little? I'll just see him off." Jimin asked politely.

The driver nodded and the boys got out of the car, Yoongi taking his bag with him.

"Take good care of your face, don't let it get infected or anything." He pointed his finger at Jimin.

"Can you stop worrying about me for a second?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious. I want to come back home to a healthy, beautiful Jimin."

"Okay, okay. You should go or you'll be late."

Yoongi nodded, wrapping his arms around Jimin. He wanted to stay there forever, but unfortunately it wasn't possible.

"Call me when you can." Jimin smiled sadly when he pulled away, not wanting to make it harder on himself or the older one to leave.

"I will." Yoongi smiled back at him.

They both had no idea why it was such a hard thing to not see eachother for a week. The pair hadn't known eachother for that long, but seemed to be addicted to the warmth of the other one.

"Bye." Jimin waved to Yoongi.


He watched him walk inside and then got back into the backseat of the taxi. The car took off and Jimin leaned his head against the cold window, a sigh escaping his lips.

"You two seem to care a lot about eachother." The driver noted.

"You have no idea." Jimin answered.

Inside the airport, Yoongi watched the car drive off, Jimin's obviously sad expression making him miss him already.

Both of them felt so alone in that moment, and in the next week it was just going to get worse.

The next two days Jimin waited all day long for his phone to start ringing and Yoongi's name popping up on the screen. 

He had almost given up and thought that maybe Yoongi wouldn't or couldn't call him until on sunday night at 1am his phone rang.

He answered it immediately, not even bothering to see if it was Yoongi, because well- who else would call him?

"Yoongi!" He yelled, excitement clear in his voice.

"Jimin." Yoongi spoke.

His voice sounded tired and Jimin realized that it was morning in Los Angeles.

"Did you just wake up?" He asked, taking a seat on the empty couch.

"Mhm." Yoongi hummed.

He was still in his hotel room, laying on the huge bed that made him feel just so much more lonelier. 

"I'm so jetlagged." He confessed. "We all went on a dinner yesterday. You have no idea how much I just wanted to scream and start throwing things around."

"I can only imagine."

"Well what have you been up to?" 

Jimin took a deep breath and thought about his answer. "Just thinking."

"About what?" Yoongi asked, he seemed to get worried as soon as he heard what Jimin's answer was.

The latter laughed a little. "You."

Yoongi rolled over on his bed, a smile growing on his face. "Have you eaten well?" 

"Mhm, I'm actually waiting for pizza right now."

"A little night snack?"

"Yeah, I'm bored so I just thought I'd eat since I couldn't sleep."

They both stayed quiet for a while, just listening to eachother breathe.

The doorbell rang on Jimin's end and he got up from the couch, grabbing his wallet in the process.

"How's your face?" Yoongi asked.

"It's getting better."

Jimin opened the door and paid for the pizza before grabbing the box and heading to the kitchen.

"I hate to do this but I have to go now. My parents want to pretend like we enjoy breakfast together." Yoongi sighed.

"Okay, call me anytime." Jimin said, sad that they didn't get more time to talk.

"I will. Make sure to eat the whole pizza."

"And you make sure to eat breakfast well, even if you don't feel like it."

Yoongi nodded, even though Jimin could not see it. "I'll get going now. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

The line went quiet and Jimin placed the phone down, a loud sigh escaping his lips. He had to do something tomorrow or he would go crazy in this house that felt so empty without the older boy's footsteps and constant reminders to take care of himself.

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