First Date

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The next morning the boys woke up together, arms wrapped around eachother.

"Did you sleep well?" Yoongi smiled, brushing his fingers trough Jimin's hair.

"Mhm." He hummed in response, closing his eyes again.

"What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know. What about you?"

Yoongi thought about it for a second. "Should we go on a date?"

Jimin's lips curved up in a small smile as he nodded excitedly.

"What should we do?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't care, as long as I get to spend time with you." Jimin shrugged.

"You're so cheesy."

A few hours later Yoongi was already dressed and ready to go, but Jimin was taking a little longer than expected.

"Are you ready to go?" Yoongi yelled from downstairs, slowly getting impatient.

"Soon!" Jimin yelled back.

"How is he taking so damn long?" The older huffed, sitting down on the couch.

Yoongi was wearing black ripped jeans and a black turtleneck. He was fiddling with the sleeves of the shirt, a little nervous.

"I'm ready." He heard Jimin's voice and got up from the couch. "So where are we going?"

Yoongi's eyes traveled up and down Jimin's body and he smiled a little. "You look good."

"You too."

Yoongi wrapped his arm around the smaller boy's waist and the two headed for the car.

"I have no idea what we're doing today. Let's just drive around a little and then decide once we see something interesting."

Jimin nodded and they got into the car.

"I really don't want to ruin the mood right now with this question." Jimin started, looking at Yoongi who turned the car on. "If we go somewhere public, do we have to pretend to be just friends or?"

They hadn't discussed what they were yet, but obviously not just friends.

Yoongi drove off, thinking about it for a small moment. "No."

"No what?"

"I'm going to hold your hand and give you small kisses no matter who sees." He smiled, taking Jimin's hand in his.

Jimin stared at their intertwined hands, blushing a little. "What if your parents hear about us?"

"I guess that'll have to be a problem for the future. It's not like I'm willing to keep you a secret from them forever."

The pair ended up in Seoul Zoo, both of them excited to see all the animals and to spend time with one another.

"I want to see the tigers." Jimin said excitedly, looking at the map they had gotten.

"Let's go there then." Yoongi agreed, taking Jimin's hand in his.

Some people were staring at them, curious or offended looks on their face. But neither of them cared about other people's opinions and just continued to walk hand in hand.

Yoongi fell for Jimin more and more by every second. Seeing him all excited and happy about the animals they saw was the cutest thing he had ever witnessed.

"Min Yoongi!" A familiar voice yelled from behind them.

Jimin was just about to pull his hand away from Yoongi's when he felt him hold on tighter.

"I told you I was going to do this no matter who sees." He smiled a little before turning to greet his friend. "Bo-Gyeong."

Yoongi's friend stared at their intertwined hands with his eyebrows raised. "What's this?"

Yoongi lifted their hands up for a second. "A date."

Bo-Gyeong nodded, a little speechless. He seemed to be on a date too, he was holding a blonde girl's hand.

"Oppa, are you joking?" The girl asked, glaring at Jimin.

"Me?" Yoongi asked, receiving a nod.

Jimin felt bad that one of Yoongi's friends obviously wasn't fine with this. He didn't know that in fact Yoongi had no idea who the blonde girl was.

"So you're gay?" Bo-Gyeong asked.

Yoongi nodded, smiling at Jimin.

"I guess that's why you never paid any attention to all the beautiful girls that tried you." He chuckled a little.

"Even if I was straight, I wouldn't like the girls that only like me for my name and money." Yoongi said, looking at the blonde girl who was obviously offended for some reason.

Jimin started to feel uncomfortable from the girl's glaring. "Should we continue?"

"Mhm, beautiful." Yoongi smiled. "We're gonna go."

They waved at the other two and headed into the direction they were walking to before.

"Is he a good friend of yours?" Jimin asked after they were a long enough distance from them.

"I don't really have real friends. All of them are usually only after popularity and the benefits I bring." The older answered.

"That sucks."

"Well I have you."

Jimin placed a kiss on his cheek, causing Yoongi to stop on his tracks and stare at him with a smile on his face.

"You're really cheesy too, you know that?" Jimin chuckled.

"Well what can I do when I have someone like you?" Yoongi shrugged innocently before placing a small kiss on Jimin's plumb lips.

People were staring at them again, some were even talking loudly about how they shouldn't be doing this in public. Yoongi just smiled at the people sarcastically and the two continued on about their day, not caring about anything else but the fact that they were here together.

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