Bad Parents

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Yoongi woke up to his phone ringing the next morning. His head was hurting a little bit since he had been drunk last night.

"What?" He answered the phone grumpily. 

"Dinner today, 6pm at the hotel. Wear something nice and don't be late." His father's voice spoke before the call ended.

Yoongi looked at the screen, furrowing his eyebrows. The world must be ending if his parents are actually willing to have dinner with him.

The boy got up from bed and headed to the bathroom to wash up. He could hear the shower running in the guestroom's bathroom too, indicating that Jimin was already up too.

Both of the boys got downstairs to the kitchen in thirty minutes or so.

"I'm having dinner with my parents today, will you be okay alone for a few hours?" Yoongi asked as he started to prepare some breakfast for them.

"You don't have to be here all the time. I think I'm actually going to get some of my stuff from my dad's later." Jimin explained.

"Is he home?"


"Well then we'll go together before I go to the hotel."

"I can go alone."

Yoongi sighed. "I don't want you to, I'm coming with you."

"Yoongi." Jimin spoke and the older turned to look at him. "Why do you care so much? We barely know eachother."

"Honestly- I have no idea why I care so much, but I'm figuring that one out." Yoongi smiled a little.

He placed the sandwiches he made on a plate and both of them sat down at the table.

"Does your face hurt?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin's face had gotten worse. The bruises were darker and the swelling had gone up.

"Not really." He answered, grabbing one of the sandwiches.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now stop worrying, it's making me feel burdened."

"I don't think he's home, let's be fast." Jimin said to Yoongi as the two entered the messy house.

Jimin quickly got into his room, immediately noticing that his father had been there. All his stuff had been thrown across the floor. He must have been mad when his son didn't come back home.

The boy quickly grabbed a bag from under his bed and started to put his stuff inside. Yoongi was packing Jimin's clothes and Jimin took things like the picture of his mom, his wallet, his phone and charger, etc.

"I think he came home." Yoongi whispered as he heard footsteps from the living room.

Jimin opened the window from his room and threw the bag outside. "Let's get out."

"Jimin?" His father's voice spoke.

Yoongi jumped out first, taking both of the bags so they could get to the car faster.

Jimin climbed out at the same time his father entered his room, stumbling as he tried to grab his son before he got away again.

"Where do you think you're going!?" He yelled after the two running boys. "Come back!"

They got into Yoongi's car and drove off. The older decided to not bring up the topic of Jimin's father for the time being.

Jimin was watching tv when Yoongi walked downstairs, wearing a clean outfit. Black jeans and a white buttonup that was tugged in his pants.

"You look good." Jimin complimented him as he sat down on the couch.

"Thanks." Yoongi smiled.

"Now that I have my phone, can we exchange numbers? I'm gonna go somewhere today so having your number would be nice."

Yoongi nodded and the two saved eachother's numbers on their phones, relieved to have a way to contact one another. 

"Where are you going to go?" He asked, curious of what Jimin would be doing.

"My old friend's dancestudio." 

"You dance?"

"Yeah." Jimin nodded, a little shy for some reason.

"Cool." Yoongi smiled. "I can drive you there before my dinner and pick you up after."


The answer to why Yoongi's parents wanted to have dinner with him was simple. They really didn't, someone else wanted for Yoongi to be there. His parents were close to tying a deal with someone and he wanted his granddaughter to be introduced to Yoongi, who of course had no interest in the girl.

"It's boring to hear them talk business, right?" The girl, named Ga-Hui smiled to Yoongi.

The boy just nodded, pushing the steak on his plate around.

"Yoongi, dear." His mother smiled sweetly.

He felt like laughing straight at her face. How much more fake could they be?

"So, I heard you live alone here in Korea and your parents are in America." Ga-Hui started a conversation again.

"He chose himself to stay here." Yoongi's father answered before he himself could say anything.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, deciding to just go along with their lies or he'd be in big trouble.

He looked around, trying to find something that would distract him and when he found none- it was time to excuse himself.

"Mother, father." He stood up. "I need to pick up a friend."

His parents glared at him a little. "Is it that urgent?" His mother asked, now her fake smile back on.

"Yeah, he kind of got hurt a few days back so I don't want him to walk home." He explained.

It was true that he got hurt and Yoongi didn't want him to walk home. But what his parents didn't know that the place he now called home was their son's house.

"You're such a good friend." Ga-Hui's grandfather said, impressed.

"He is." Yoongi's father agreed.

The boy walked off, not caring to listen anymore. He was so sick of his parents pretending to be parents in front of other people.

He got in to his car as fast as he could and called Jimin.

After a few rings the boy picked up. "Hey."

"I left the dinner. Are you ready to go home if I pick you up now?"

Jimin was obviously out of breath. Yoongi could hear him take in a few deep breaths before answering the question he was asked.

"Sure. Call me when you're here." He said, a hint of happiness in his voice.

Yoongi figured that dancing helped with his mood as they hung up and he drove off, immediately forgetting the terrible dinner he had to have been involved in.

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