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"I'm back!" Yoongi yelled as he entered the house.

He could hear Jimin's footsteps get closer as he took his jacket off and started to untie his shoes.

"Did you get me any underwear?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did." Yoongi nodded as he stood up straight and kicked his shoes off.

He turned to look at Jimin, who was standing there with only a towel around his waist. The older boy looked at him with wide eyes.

"Uh, I took a shower and realized that I don't have any clean underwear." Jimin explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

Yoongi was speechless as he stared at his body. Jimin looked amazing in his eyes, maybe a little too skinny but still- absolutely amazing. He snapped out of his daze and handed the bags of new clothes to him.

"I didn't buy so much today because I'm not sure about your style. We'll go shopping together when you're a little bit better." He spoke.

"Okay." Jimin nodded. "Thanks."

He walked upstairs and into the guestroom, which would be his room from now on. Yoongi really didn't plan on letting him go back because he had a feeling that the condition he was now in would not be the worst of it.

Jimin put on his new clothes. He found it amusing that everything Yoongi had picked out was black.

He got back downstairs and sat down on the couch next to the older boy.

"I'll pay you back as soon as I can get my wallet from home." Jimin said.

"No, don't pay back. I have too much money." Yoongi sighed as he surfed trough the channels on the tv.

Every show he came across seemed to be boring or too predictable so finally he just gave up picked a movie he had already seen many times before.

"Oh, okay." Jimin nodded slowly.

Both of them turned their focus on the movie, Jimin leaning back, still completely exhausted.

"By the way, you only bought black clothes." He laughed, turning to look at Yoongi for a moment.

Yoongi turned to look at him, his eyes widening a little. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and the older quickly recovered.

"Yeah, I like black." He shrugged, turning his attention back to the tv.

He was shocked because Jimin laughed, for the first time and the sound of his laugh made Yoongi feel at home. The feeling he hadn't felt in forever.

"I like colors." Jimin confessed. 

"Then we'll buy something colorful for you." Yoongi smiled to himself.

Even the smallest fact about Jimin made him feel like the boy was starting to open up to him.

Yoongi felt weird, like a creep as he stared at Jimin who was now sound asleep on the couch, his head hanging in an uncomfortable position. He grabbed a pillow and reached his hand to the back of Jimin's neck, supporting his head as he placed the pillow under it.

The small boy let out a small humm as Yoongi stood up from the couch, making him smile a little.

"I'll be back soon." He informed, even though he knew that Jimin couldn't hear him.

Bo-Gyeong had called him earlier, asking him to go clubbing tonight. Yoongi really wanted to say no to him but he knew that if he did- the boy would come to his house and drag him out and he didn't want him seeing Jimin sleeping on his couch, covered in cuts and bruises.

"Did you talk with your parents?" Ara asked, leaning a little bit too close to Yoongi's face for his liking.

"Yeah, they're coming to Korea soon for a few days to see how the business is going." He answered, leaning further away from the girl.

Ara didn't seem to get what he was doing because she just scooted closer to Yoongi once again. Even with alcohol in his system- the girl's actions annoyed him, maybe even more than usual.

"Are you going to go see them?" She asked.

"I don't feel like seeing them." Yoongi lied.

In reality he wanted to see them, to talk to them face to face. Even if they didn't really care about him. But they didn't feel the same.

"What time is it?" He asked, eager to get back home to Jimin.

"2am." Bo-Gyeong yelled over the music.

"I'm gonna go home." Yoongi said as he got up. "Don't call me for a few days, I have some things to do."

He didn't stay to listen what his "friends" wanted to say. He just headed out before anyone could say anything.

Jimin was wide awake when he heard the front door open and close. He stayed put in his spot in the kitchen and took a sip of his water.

"Evening." He said to Yoongi who walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water too.

"Why are you up?" 

"It wasn't really comfortable on the couch and when I noticed you were gone I couldn't go back to sleep until I knew you were okay." 

Yoongi nodded slowly, watching as Jimin got up from his seat.

"Were you partying?" He asked, placing his glass down on to the sink.

"I was just hanging out with some people. They would've showed up here if I didn't go tonight." Yoongi explained.

"It's okay, it's okay. You don't need to explain yourself to me." Jimin chuckled.

Yoongi smiled a little.

"Did you drink?"

"A little."

Jimin nodded, looking down.

"I think you don't like to be around people who have been drinking. Am I right?" Yoongi asked.

"Something like that."

"I'll make sure not to drink when you're around."

Jimin looked up, smiling at the older boy. "You don't have to do that for me."

"But I want to." Yoongi shrugged like it was no big deal. "I'm kind of sick of drinking anyways. I have to pretend to be this person that drinks and likes girls and-"

Jimin tried to hide his smile as he watched Yoongi's eyes widen at what he had just said.

"I mean- I guess I do like- you know. I'm drunk." Yoongi stammered, heading upstairs into his room. "AND GAY!"

The younger boy shook his head, not bothering to hide his smile anymore. "Me too, Yoongi. Me too." 

Heyyy, I saw that some people actually read all three of the first chapters so thank you.

I'd love some feedback so I know what to change and what to keep about my writingstyle.

Also if there's requests for future chapters, just tell me and I'll make sure to try and write them.

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