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"Do you like dogs?" Jimin asked Yoongi.

The older nodded, poking around the fire with a stick. They had been sitting outside for an hour, just talking and laughing together.

"Should we get one?" Yoongi suggested.

Jimin's lips grew into a smile. "Are you serious?"

"Mhm, I think we could handle it."

"You don't take that back, we're really getting a dog." Jimin pointed his finger at Yoongi.

"Yeah yeah."

"When you were in America, I actually thought that we should get a dog." 

"Were you that lonely?" Yoongi teased, pulling Jimin closer to him.

"Well yeah."

The rest of the night went by with the two of them planning for the future with the upcoming family member. Everything was perfectly peaceful in that moment, just Yoongi and Jimin sharing kisses and laughing. 

What more would you need?

"How big is this island?" Jimin asked, staring into the distance.

Yoongi had brought him up to the rooftop to look at the stars. They were a cheesy couple after all.

"Not big." Yoongi answered.

"Well it took us 10 minutes to drive here from your little airport so it must be pretty big. Or at least big to be someone's private island."

"I guess."

Jimin laid down and looked at the dark sky. It was full of stars tonight. The beauty of it was really mesmerizing to him. He tried to count the stars in his head but obviously it was not possible.

"So beautiful." He smiled, pointing his finger at the sky.

"Yeah." Yoongi said softly.

His eyes weren't in the stars, no. He was staring at the most beautiful thing on the planet- Park Jimin. 

It was the most cheesiest thing ever, but Yoongi was just that in love with him. Even if he hadn't said it out loud yet, he knew it. If anyone saw his eyes right in that moment, they'd know too.

"Why are you staring at me?" Jimin asked, not turning his gaze away from the sky. "I can literally feel your eyes burning holes into my skin."

Yoongi chuckled lightly. "Just staring at something beautiful."

"You're so weird. Look at the sky, Yoongi. It's full of stars and you're just ignoring the beauty of that to stare at someone who you can stare literally anytime you want."

"Yeah but I can't stare at you staring at the stars anytime I want."

Jimin raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Yoongi.

"The way your face looks when you admire things is something I don't want to miss ever." Yoongi smiled.

Jimin tilted his head a little. "You do realize that I'm not admiring the stars anymore, I'm admiring you."

Yoongi nodded, reaching his hand to touch Jimin's face. "If that look ever changes, I'll never smile again."

"It won't change."

"You promise me?"

"I promise."

"How long can you really take to get ready?" Yoongi sighed, watching Jimin walk around the bedroom, his shirt not even halfway buttoned up.

"I don't know." Jimin chuckled.

"We're only going for a little walk, nothing big so just button up and let's go."

"Can you button it for me?"

Yoongi got up from his position on the bed and walked to Jimin. "Can't you do these things yourself?"

"I like it when you do it." Jimin smirked a little.

Of course he liked it. Yoongi always placed small kisses up his body as he buttoned the shirt.

"Can I ask something?"

"Mhm." Yoongi hummed, his lips now on Jimin's chest.

Jimin closed his eyes. "Have you ever dated a guy before?"



"I've had things with guys, in secret of course. I just never liked anyone so much that I'd want to date them."

This made Jimin smile.

Yoongi finished buttoning his shirt and placed a gentle kiss on Jimin's lips before looking at him in the eyes. "What about you?"

"I was in a real relationship once."

"What happened?"

"My mom died and I changed, my feelings changed." Jimin smiled a little. "Then I met you and suddenly I'm back to my old self."

Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist and placed another kiss on his lips.

"You have no idea how much I owe you, Yoongi."

"What do you mean you owe me?"

"Without you, I'd still be suffering alone. I wouldn't have found my smile again, I wouldn't have my friends back..." Jimin smiled, looking at Yoongi with those admiring eyes that made the latter feel all types of ways. "I don't know what I would do without you, or would I even be here anymore."

Both of them were now on the verge of tears. Jimin was truly thankful for Yoongi, but he had no idea that Yoongi was just as thankful for him.

"You don't owe me anything." Yoongi smiled, wiping away a tear that had rolled down Jimin's cheek. "Just being with you is enough. It's all I need."

Jimin laughed a little, another tear rolling down his cheek. "You're too good."

"I love you." Yoongi spoke, his voice barely a whisper.

A tear rolled down his cheek as he stared at Jimin, waiting for some kind of reaction.

Jimin stared at Yoongi, blinking rapidly.

"You don't have to say it back yet if yo-"

"I love you too." Jimin interrupted.

Yoongi's lips curved up in a toothy smile. Jimin loved that smile, Jimin loved the person that owned that smile. He loved Yoongi so much.

"You do?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes, idiot. I love you so damn much." Jimin chuckled.

They stared at eachother for a long moment, smiling from ear to ear. Jimin glanced at Yoongi's lips quickly and that was enough of a sign for the older one to kiss him.

The kiss started off as a gentle, but as Jimin's hands traveled to Yoongi's hair- the kiss started to deepen and got rougher.

As they backed up and fell on the bed, both of the boys now completely forgot their plans to go on a walk. All that mattered was that they were here together, both completely and blindly in love with eachother.

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