I glance at the sun, and then at the steep hill before me, making a rough estimate at how much time I'll have to get there and back before sunset. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the line connecting Rob and I's gems grow substantially fainter, although not as faint as the other three.

       "Looks like it just me and you, girl." I sigh, giving Silver an affectionate rub between the ears.

       Silver barks in reply, nuzzling into my hand. I smile, combing my fingers through her fluffy cost briefly, and then standing back up.

        "We'd better get going. It'll be sundown soon, and I don't want any of these freaky mobs comings anywhere near me."

       Silver barks an agreement, circling around my legs, and then jogging off ahead. I take a deep breath, crack my neck, and then follow after her.


      "Big spruce tree... Big... Spruce... Aha! There it is!"

       Striding tiredly over to the towering spruce tree, I take a moment to rest at its base, placing my palms heavily on my knees and doubling over. Climbing up such a steep hill, combined with the fact I had to move quickly, and the air thins increasingly as I progressed, has left me absolutely pooped.

        "Well... There's my exercise for the year." I huff, shaking out my limbs, and trying to loosen the painfully tight muscles.

        Silver shows her agreement by practically collapsing on the ground, tongue lolling out, and cheat rising and falling rapidly. I laugh breathily at her position, at the same time longing to have thick fur like her. A chilling breeze sweeps over the mountain top, and I shiver. Man it sure is cold up here. I observe, hugging myself tightly and letting my skin rise in temperature. Rob sure picked a good spot to hide his loot.

Grumble. Grumble.

       I jump at the sudden low gurgling sound, quickly spinning around to try and see the source. Half of me was expecting a polar bear, but thankfully, it just so happens to be my stomach.


      It grumbles again, demeaning food.

       "Sorry Mr. Stomach, we've got more important things to do. I need to get Rob this satchel thingy before sundown, so eating will have to wait." I apologize, patting my stomach.

       Silver snorts, probably questioning my sanity. I mean, I did just talk to my stomach. She then barks, springs up, and starts to paw at the trunk of the spruce tree.

       "Yeah, yeah, I get it. We need to hurry." I laugh, approaching the tree. "Now... Rob said the key hole was on the North side of the trunk, and eye level. Which means it should be-"

       I take a quick glance into the sky to find North, circle the tree, and coming face to face with a small, nearly undetectable, keyhole.


       Pulling out the key Rob gave to me before running off, I lift it, and gently insert it into the hole. After a twist, there's a resounding click, and suddenly right behind me the ground is falling away through a series of pistons and redstone to reveal a brick staircase. I withdraw the key, and place it in my inventory. Then turning towards the staircase, I follow as Silver leads the way, trotting fearlessly down underground. The sight that awaits me is truly amazing.

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