DoctorSuga X OfficerDaichi Speak

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Pairing: Daichi Sawamura X Sugawara Koushi

Plot: I was a kid, I didn't know any better. I bit my tongue, I didn't speak. He was mute, he couldn't speak for himself. Why did I not speak for him.


Story Begin:

I was a kid, maybe I still am. A 30 year old kid. I don't know why I did it, or more like didn't do it. He was beaten up everyday of his life and I was just a kid trying to get through Highschool. Why didn't I speak for him. Was I too scared? But what would I be scared of? Myself? My dignity? My ego?

I became what I am because of him.

I became a hero that couldn't save. Save him.

I sighed heavily as I laid my cup of coffee on my desk. I reached out and picked up the stray file labeled "NOW".

I quirked my lips into a bitter smile, the coffee just wasn't cutting it. Suddenly my desk phone went off sending a shock through my body. "Hello?" I asked instinctively into the phone.

"Yes, hello this is the nurse from Kitigawa middle school calling for Daichi Shouyou, Is this Mr. Daichi?"

My eyes widened as my mind ran through the possibilities as to why the nurse was calling. "Umm Yes this is he, Is Shouyou alright?"

Shouyou, Daichi. My little brother, with a gap toothed smile and a heart too big for his chest.

"Yes he is fine, though his temperature says otherwise." The nurse said calmly like she's a robot with it programmed into her skull.

I sighed heavily with ease and relief, Shouyou was okay, well physically at least.

"Okay, then what seems to be the problem?" I asked her seriously.

"Well it seems that Shouyou has been experiencing symptoms of Scarlet's fever. I think he needs to be taken to the doctors ASAP!" The nurse sounded quite alarmed but not too alarmed.

I sighed asking myself multiple questions. "Yes of course I am on my way." I informed her. She bid me farewell and hung up.

I groaned and I lifted myself from my seat, my bones were aching from training day. I made my way slowly to my Cheif's office praying he was in a good enough mood to let me go get Shouyou, luckily he was.

*time skip*

"Shouyou, we're here." I whispered gently to the sleeping boy. We finally just arrived to the hospital and Shouyou was passed out in the back since the middle school.

I sighed but picked Shouyou up and hauled him into the hospital. I plopped the groaning boy on to a chair and snapped a tiger printed mask on him to keep from spreading more germs.

Minutes slipped by and soon an hour slipped by. I dozed slightly while I sat next to Shouyou tracing patterns into Shouyou's arm.

"Daichi Shouyou." A nurse with a honey sick voice announced to the room. I heaved the sickly pale boy up and into the room following the nurse.

When the nurse logged in Shouyou's symptoms she nodded her head confirming the information then proceeded to get up and leave, but not before muttering out a quick rehearsed "the doctor will see you in a bit" line.

What did that mean to them? A little bit. Did it mean an hour? It seemed like it did. Maybe all doctor's turned their clocks back an hour so they're always on time, we'll always on their time.

I refused to touch anything, no matter how much curiosity scratched and my brain. I twiddled my fingers and even hummed myself songs. The bottom line is Shouyou was effector fine, he was sleeping.

Finally a knock echoed throughout the room, then the door slid open with practiced ease. I made eye contact with the silver haired man with brown eyes, I just wish I didn't. "Hello! I'm Dr. Sugawara Koushi, but you may call me Dr. Suga if you'd like."

Sugawara Koushi.

That name, the name I thought I never would need to hear again, a name I never wanted to hear again. Because the person who bared that name was the sweetest boy I knew, except he was beaten up for being mute.

Speak up.

"Suga?" I asked him just to be sure I heard him correctly.

Dr. Suga looked up with a perplexed expression. "Yes that is I." He said quite sophisticatingly.

"Suga, its me Daichi! Daichi Sawamura!" I gambled lightly. Ten bucks to whoever says he won't remember me.

"OHHH!" Dr. Suga let out as he pieced together what was going on. Looks like I'm keeping my money.

"Yeah, it's good to see you." I said automatically from meeting old classmates before. "So how are ya!"

"Oh you know, I'm a doctor now and what not." Suga smiled lightly with pride at himself.

"Yeah Umm I thought you were-."

"Mute?" Suga cut me off mid-sentence. Well I mean that was what I was getting at. "Yeah I was never mute mute, I was a choice mute. AKA I was mute by choice. Bullies." He explained.

I nodded feeling guilt churn in my stomach.

I was 14 when I first met Suga. I didn't know what was wrong with this world, what was wrong with me. I hid between bigger shadows. But I would leave Suga out to fend for himself, but he couldn't. He couldn't speak.

"Don't worry about it!" Suga smiled lighting up the room. "I got into a car crash our senior year, it was scary, so scary that I just started talking."

"Yeah of course." I bit my lips holding back tears. I was the hero so why can't I do anything?

"Hey Daichi, is there any chance that we can catch up? Like over dinner?"

Was Sugawara Koushi the once king nerd of Karasuno High asking Daichi Sawamura on a date?

Yes, yes he was.

The date ended with many kisses and hugs. The both were making up for lost time. The time Daichi kissed Suga on the lips, was the time he knew he was the one forever.

They were 90. Suga 89 and Daichi 90. They lived a long tiresome life but they were ready. Suga left first, he left one morning because of pneumonia. Daichi, Daichi left later that day at 2:30 am in his sleep. But they're both in heaven speaking up.

If a tree falls in a forest when nobody is around, will it make a noise?

One and done! That was just a random story I thought of when I was watching Supernatural! Anywho

Don't forget to stay tuned have a nice day and


I do not own Haikyuu or any of its characters no copyright infringement intended.


Word count:1135

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